Thank you! Hehe, a child of 90's comics, I physically could NOT provide a female hero with a flat heel ;) Plus, if Nat can rock a 4-inch wedge in the film, so can Wanda, plus the girl can fly whenever her toesies are getting a wee bit cramped :D
Volume 77, Issue 20livejournalJune 23 2012, 12:15:59 UTC
User inboots referenced to your post from Volume 77, Issue 20 saying: [...] (Rated G, Charles/Erik, bb!Lorna) - drew Avengers movie!verse Maximoffs [...]
Aw, thank you! I imagined them as being Pro-Mutant terrorists turned freelance, with similar beginnings in the comics-- just more leather for the films ;)
Pietro's nice, for Pietro; he's just one of those characters I can always take or leave. But Wanda is fantastic! I love the hair, the mischievous eyes, the outfit, the swirling powers, and the way you manage to bring out subtle hints of her heritage! Fantastic work!
Comments 17
Thank you kindly for your comment! <33
Really great art, however -- thank you so much for posting it for the rest of us to enjoy!
Many thanks for your kind words! I'm glad you like Wanda, she will always hold a special place in my nerdy heart <3
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