Nov 10, 2005 02:24
I forget to mention, Dane Cook is also a thief. He stole a joke from Joe Rogan. He did it on Premium Blend. Joe's joke was about fucking Tigers, and Dane just reworked it and had it about fucking it about Rhinos. So, there's another one not to support.
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Comments 4
If it's just small thing then I'd say support him but be wary, if it's a large portion fuck him.
Now consider how funny beastality can be.. (especially if your fucking mister ed.. Now that's always good for humor, talking animals? funny, talking animals getting sodomized? hilarious.. buying an animal for sex but ending up with the wrong sex of animal and it talks about it with you?.. now that's a gem)
But seriously I'd have to hear both pieces side by side. fucking tigers and fucking rhinos sound like two ideas that two random people could have especially if they wrote material for comedy as much as both of them do.
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