i hear that. but then i think: i only come here 2 days a week. and while they are long days there are only 2 of them. which might be the problem. i establish no rhythm or perhaps i'm still establishing it? happy tuesday anyway, JB.
Yeah, "Daisy" would work... She has retreated somewhat from the "disease" aspect of the formulation, though--and I think she has decided really to focus on the turn of the century. Who knows...
If we didn't have to get out in the cold weather and do our hard work, then home wouldn't seem near so comfy... ;-)
And also-- the snow was quite neat looking today: it was round and bounced when it hit the ground. As I was waiting for the bus, I watched it fall in little, super light balls the size of tapioca, and I looked around and I thought I was wrapped inside a FedEx box with packing styrofoam. Cool.
I agree. It was a weird snow. I thought it looked like movie set snow. Or, when we lived in Miami, fake snow fell from the Mall ceilings to get people, I suppose, in the Holiday mood. It reminded me of the Dolphin Mall snow.
Crack me up!!! I love learning new weather words, and I guess that (like the famous Innuit story) now I live in B-Lo I need a greater repetoire of snow language. Hilarious. However, I actually looked up a couple of websites on grauple (yes, some geeks somewhere [losers!!!, right?] are discussing what grauple actually is), and I'm still not convinced that's what we had-- as some webistes describe grauple as hard since it's got ice on the outside of the round globules. What we had yeserday had no ice-- it was absolutley soft and light like styrofoam. Maybe B-Lo needs even MORE words for these subtleties than we currently have... Maybe syro-grauple? sno-rauple?
Comments 11
but then i think:
i only come here 2 days a week.
and while they are long days
there are only 2 of them.
which might be the problem.
i establish no rhythm
or perhaps i'm still
establishing it?
happy tuesday
anyway, JB.
OH. I thought of another book for your "disease" student: Daisy Miller.
And also-- the snow was quite neat looking today: it was round and bounced when it hit the ground. As I was waiting for the bus, I watched it fall in little, super light balls the size of tapioca, and I looked around and I thought I was wrapped inside a FedEx box with packing styrofoam. Cool.
i just had to jump on the chance to show off my knowledge of random forms of precipitation...
However, I actually looked up a couple of websites on grauple (yes, some geeks somewhere [losers!!!, right?] are discussing what grauple actually is), and I'm still not convinced that's what we had-- as some webistes describe grauple as hard since it's got ice on the outside of the round globules. What we had yeserday had no ice-- it was absolutley soft and light like styrofoam. Maybe B-Lo needs even MORE words for these subtleties than we currently have... Maybe syro-grauple? sno-rauple?
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