So this is what we're gonna do

Feb 14, 2008 11:09

Now that we've established that no one actually reads this thing, I'm gonna go ahead and do this incredibly frowned-upon thing, just for the sake of closure.

Months and months ago I wrote what I wanted to be an episodic TW fic, starting with the final scene, then the final-to-last scene and ending with the opening chapter. But, I never got around to actually writing the middle part, see, so even though I tried to motivate myself by posting the first chapter, I could not bring myself to do it. My muse is extraordinarily finicky, it seems.

BUT, in the interest of vanity, I'd really like to "publish" the last part of the story. Because I like it, lots, and there are some moments that I want to send out into the ether.

Interestingly, I don't actually think my Ianto is "right" anymore. I love how he's so much more self-possessed this season, and my version is much more immature than I see him this time 'round. But, as I said, it's really vanity at work here, so on with the show....

Part I

Part II Summary

So, Ianto and Jack are in London, right? And what Jack is doing there is looking for some un-specified bit of Tardis/Doctor artifact after having seen Elton's video from my favorite DW episode, "Love & Monsters." (Aside: Interestingly, another of my top-faves is "Blink," both of which feature totally random characters whom we never see again. And I LOVE David Tenant, so I do find it odd that these two eps have the least amount of him in them.)

Anyway, Jack and Ianto go to Elton's house, and Jack tells Ianto to just stand there and be soothing, as Yan is simply there to provide Elton with a sense of reassurance. But Ianto hears something in the next room, a woman's voice, although Elton has said they were alone; he pretends to get some water, which Jack approves of because he has now won over Elton's trust, and the captain sees Yan as being amazingly perceptive to know it's the right time to leave the room.

But then, Ianto fucks it all up. Elton goes to retrieve the object in question, and finds Ianto dangerously close to discovering his tiled girlfriend, and winds up running out of the house with the object, in order to misdirect them. Then Ianto makes it worse by running after him, demanding that he stop in the name of Torchwood, or some such retarded thing, and we all can imagine how Elton would feel about Torchwood after his previous experiences.

So, chase through London, yada yada, and Elton boards a train bound north. This requires some quick thinking from Jack, who makes it Elton believe he's lost them, so they can follow him all stealthy-like onto the train.

Jack and Yan are lying low on the train when Elton gets up to go to the drinking car or something, and spots them, opens a window and throws whatever it is off the train.

Now, Jack wants Ianto to pull the emergency brake or maybe jump with him, but Ianto hesitates because he's being a little indecisive, so Jack jumps all on his own and Ianto goes off to find a car and some gear in order to meet up with Jack later.
Part III

torchwood fanfiction

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