I'm stunned. This is going to be a looooong summer. When do we get new eps?
House Season 5 Episode 24 - Both Sides Now
- AAAAAHHHHHH! it's starting!
- wow, why go out if you know your hand is acting strange? Hahaha. I wonder why the hand only does bad things. Was it me or was that the shortest intro ever?
- House in bed! Awww, this is right after? He's looking for her? WOW, left lipstick on him? Awwwww, look at him smile. He loves her.
- OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE's SINGING????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Oh, here she comes. Haha, her shirt is so high. Hmmm. Well, she did say it wasn't an emotional decision - she's trying to be strictly rational. Awww, poor House.
- Hahahaha! Wilson's face. "WOW" Hahaha. Hmmm, he just confessed everything to Wilson. He *really* wants help.
- So Foreman told Thirteen. Why is Taub coming to Chase? What? "Toxins in the seminal fluid"? Um, yeah, Chase. I'm with you. Just walk away.
- "Wilson says we need to talk." What is he doing? "This has really gone past the talking stage." What is House planning?
- Interesting. "Trying to get your other half to like me." What does that mean? House's other half? Or Cuddy's? Yikes, that slap's gotta hurt - in so many ways. Is this the first time the hand's gotten physical with the girlfriend? Is it escalating?
- Proof of what? Heated areas after a minute with him? Awwwww. House is such a child. Will he listen to Wilson? I doubt it, but look at his eyes. He *knows* he will lose her if he keeps pushing, but he doesn't know what to do.
- Ok. Another day. Her blouse isn't so high. She is still tightly in control. Haha. Challenging Wilson. Oh, here's House -- tension. Oh, Wilson is getting an eyeful! "Still not mad ... Try again later." Hahaha. What did House put in the coffee? This is ok so far.
- hmmm, maybe the hand should be restrained during close procedures.
- Cuddy as Vicodin substitute! Hahahaha! "Pretend that I'm going to do that..." Oxytocin? What a plan, House. "Option 2, she kills me ... it's 50:50 right now"
- So the hand likes air guitar better than anything else?
- House is hiding in the locker room. Hahaha.
- Hahahahaha. House told the patient to bring the stool sample to Cuddy? They are dueling, using the patient! Hahahaha!
- Why is House staring at Cuddy's coffee cup? Cameron coming to House for help? Hmmm, that's good advice, House. Nice shot of House with the coffee cup out of focus in the foreground. This is really taking up all his thoughts. Hahaha, Wilson's special relationship skills. See, House acknowledges Wilson's skill.
- Hahahaha. Wilson trying to counsel the patient and House at the same time. "Your right brain likes what he's saying..."
- Cuddy gave the patient House's cell phone number, hahaha. "Right brain, left brain issues?" Nice one, Taub.
- Seriously, not a good time, Foreman!
- "I don't wanna be homeless." Awwww. Chase is so happy. But she still looks unsure.
- "...if you don't treat it seriously then you will get hurt. And if you don't accept that, then accept that she will get hurt." (sorry that's not quite word-for-word) Hahahaha! House sent a ... what? Stripper? Singing telegram? And she's still not mad. What does this tell House?
- Interesting that the scene with Cuddy gave House the epiphany for the patient. They weren't looking at the right time.
- He's staring at the coffee cup again. Why?
- Hmm. The hand is thankful? "We'll just leave the three of you alone." Hahaha.
- "Do you want to be the man with the answers or do you want to be the man with Cuddy?" Wow. Wilson is such a good friend. He knows Cuddy is hiding and that House really needs to push to get her to talk. And he knows House was holding back. Uh oh, Cuddy, watch out.
- Awwww. Chase understands.
- Yikes. Here is is. "I slept with Lisa Cuddy." Hahahaha. Everyone is staring. Aaaaaand, *there's* the angry look.
- Woah! She is beyond pissed. And she didn't even wait to get to his office. (um, Cuddy, that just verifies what he said). Fired?! Really?
- She's been overreacting all along? What???? He's hallucinated the past few days? What was real? What wasn't? I get that the Huddysex didn't happen. But then what? He's been taking Oxycodone to cope? Is that why he was "largely pain-free"? Was the patient real? Was the torturing of Cuddy real? Did he just burst into Cuddy's office at the end and act strange? When did we break from reality? I'm so confused.
- Awwwww, Cuddy at the Chase/Cameron wedding with Rachel as Wilson takes House to the psych center. Sad. Beautiful, but sad. What does this mean for House now?
Soooooo, I'm let down that the Huddy sex apparently wasn't real (although, I supposed it could be), but this was so well done. I've been played thoroughly by DS et al and my main complaint is that I don't know what's going to happen next. I guess that means that they did their job. I'm still trying to figure out what was real and what wasn't. And from our (House's) perspective, we can't really know -- we'll need others to tell us. I WISH THEY WOULD! ARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The not-knowing is so painful. Gotta go and discuss this somewhere. I'm sure that this tells us a lot about what House thinks/feels/etc. but I'm barely coherent right now...
EDIT: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I think I get it now. That's what I get for trying to type reactions during such an intense episode. Good think my roommate came home late and I got to rewatch with her...
So, House *did* shout from the balcony and that's why he took Cuddy's reaction for an overreaction. Got it. And I think the "torturing" was real. As Wilson said, until the yelling from the balcony, it was just his usual stuff. I get it now. I guess I was too worked up before, LOL.
So, he came to Cuddy, but he said the comment about the baby. And he didn't work up the courage to tell her he needed her. He went home and took too much pain meds to drown out the pain. (Very cool parallel with the pill bottle on the bathroom floor) He came to work and told Wilson? But Wilson never talked to Cuddy. And so they played games (each thinking something different) until he yelled from the balcony.
Now, though I guess we can still wonder how long has House been seeing things? I'm thinking it's really since Kutner. But remember all the brain-straining things House did at the last season finale? Could he have sustained damage then and it only got worse after Kutner? Is everything that happened this season suspect?
And even if things are suspect, then what can we learn about House from what he "imagines"? We know Cuddy is in his mind a lot. He imagines that he can be happy about being with her. Which says a lot about his feelings - even if he is scared of messing things up/getting hurt so that he doesn't have the courage to move forward in real life.
Oh, and he even *told* Cuddy that he told her he needed her. She probably didn't register what he said at that moment, but I'm sure she will remember it later. So, *that's* out there. :)
And, the way Cuddy came to him and looked at him when she realized something was wrong. Her HAND on HIS CHEEK. Their eyes! (their eye contact always kills me, no matter what the emotion). That last scene in her office was *amazing*. Imagine from her POV. She is angry and embarrassed and probably confused. She knows that firing him basically would kill him (where else can he go) so she was probably going to take that back but lay down even stricter rules. Then he comes in and acts even more strangely. That moment when she realizes there is something seriously wrong. Everything else just falls away and she is *right there* for him. And he grasps at her like she is his lifeline.
There is so much more. And I guess we have all summer to think about it now. Brilliant. Heartbreaking, but brilliant.
Guess I'd better go. I'm less confused but no less stunned. And I have an early start in the morning...
BTW, why is it that both my shows are dealing with hallucinations right now? Hopefully Bones won't be quite as dramatic and heartbreaking as tonight's House... G'night all!