Hi all! Long time no see... :p Who else is excited after watching the House season premiere? Looks like we are in for a fun ride. Reaction has been mixed, I guess, but here is a blurb on next week's ep from Entertainment Weekly:
"I just don't want our relationship affecting our jobs," says Cuddy (Lisa Edelstein), after kissing the titular character in last season's finale. Will Cuddy make House (Hugh Laurie) and House lovey-dovey and boring? Maybe not. Tonight their sparring transforms into a screwball game of romantic brinksmanship. (He gropes her; she gropes him. She says, "Don't tell anyone"; he tells everyone.) Also funny: the subplot about a 102-year-old patient. "You have a bad case of natural causes," House tells the centenarian. Same unapologetic jerk, now with a soul mate. A- Darren Franich