A: Absolutely amaze your partner with adoration, exercise extravagant respect and devotion toward your lover, and accept them for who they are.
B: Believe in your instincts. Be spontaneous. Don't plan. . . just do something that you've wanted to do with your partner for a long time. Let your love occur naturally.
C: Cuddle. Lie close and be cozy. Do spoons! Just hold each other. There is a very special healing power in a close, warm embrace. C is also for "considerate."
D: Discover new ways of expressing your love for each other.
E: Entice your lover to try a new way of making love. Always making love the same way can bring on boredom. Focus on pleasure. Enjoy each other to the fullest.
F: Flirt for fun and frivolity. Be creative in your flirting. Pretend you are together for the first time or that you are trying to pick up your lover.
G: Gaze into each other's eyes with a steady intention to say, "I love you" without words.
H: Have a private party for just the two of you. Candles, music, the works. Talk. Listen. Express your love for one another.
I: Indulge each other's desires. Write your secret desires on pieces of paper and trade. You may be surprised.
J: Joke and have fun together. Lighten up. Be joyous. Release your sense of humor. Have fun with love.
K: Kissy. . . kissy. . . kissy! Quick pecks on the cheek don't work. Give your partner an unexpected, looooooong, juicy kiss. Be keen on kissing!
L: Love with all your heart and soul. Always remember to speak, "I love you" at least once each day. Express love in new and exciting ways. Remember to love yourself and do nice things for you too.
M: Massage away the day's tension and stress. Begin with the feet and work up.
N: Nurture your need for nibbling. Nibble each other's earlobes or other parts of the body that feels good. Practice a soft, light, romantic nibble with your lover.
O: Offer breakfast in bed or some other surprise your lover might like.
P: Pretend you are long-lost, passionate lovers. Use your imagination.
Q: Quote your lover a love poem or a special passage from a book or greeting card that expresses exactly how you feel.
R: Remember the little things. Be aware when your partner's likes and dislikes. Notice what makes them happy and deliver more of that.
S: Slow dance by candlelight or in the backyard in the moonlight.
T: Try a little tenderness. Be gentle. Practice the "soft touch."
U: Uncover your deepest feelings. Speak them or write them to your lover.
V: Vow your eternal love for each other. Renew your vows. Make some new ones. Look up the word "vow" in the dictionary. Live by your solemn promises.
W: Watch a sunrise or sunset together. Bring a picnic basket with snacks and your favorite beverage.
X: X-plore your romantic dreams. Day dream about this one. Think. X-cellerate. Don't wait. Do something X-citing together; something you said you would do in the past, but you both have been putting off or making
X-cuses about.
Y: Yearn for each other's touch. Don't hold back. A hug-a-day pays dividends beyond your wildest imaginings. AND. . . it feels good to be touched by the one you love.
Z: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz in each other's arms. Zero in on being close. Touching feels good. Enhance your enjoyment by listening to your partner's breathing cycle and to their heartbeat.