Soccer is over after today for my oldest! Hurrrraaayyy!!! I am tired of freezing my butt off to watch them lose. My son was named to the all district team along with one of his team mates. I am happy for him. He worked hard and deserves it. I am also suprised because we are not on very good terms with the coach (who actually told my son that
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Comments 11
And glad your other son found fun with the Drama club. I wish I had gotten into that as a kid.
I'd like to see Whip It, too. Some was filmed up here in Saginaw CO too! ^_^
I'm buying my NM tickets early too, lol.
I recommend Whip It, especially if you liked Juno. It was cute.
I do like Ellen P and Juno, I'll definitely check it out!
I've been celebrating... ;)
Congrats to "oldest"!!! You'll have to let me know who the other team mate is---I'm curious!
Let's both keep our fingers crossed and hope coach goes away.
I didn't know Whip It was filmed her in MI!
New Moon
Are we set for the midnight showing? I'm getting excited....
See you tonight. I am so happy it is warm out.
The Boyfriend had the same reaction to New Moon, until I reminded him that he'll get to stare at Kristen Stewart for 2 hours during the film and then now he's ok with it ;)
I could not DRAG my husband to see New Moon. Luckily I have Javidan to go with me! I may be taking one of my 16 year old son's friends too. She is awesome and makes me want to have a daughter (as my two sons are always teasing me for my Twilight addiction) Twilight has been a great way to become friends with some of my sons friends that are girls. Don't get me wrong, I love having boys...there seems to be way less drama.
Did you like Where the Wild Things Are?
It is all The Boyfriend's fault that I'm a big nerd, so he can't really make fun of my twilight addiction. He just wishes that I thought this hard about star wars... For someone who hasn't read twilight, he has a pretty good grasp on what happens throughout the series. It is actual proof that he does listen from time to time.
I liked Where TheWild Things Are, as it reminded me a lot of my childhood. I must have read that book 1000 times!
I used to have to hide the Wild Things book, my kids were scared of it. haha..I love to tease them about that now. :) My oldest tried to talk his friends into seeing it this weekend but they went to see Step Dad instead. he said it was stupid.
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