Perhaps it's time to throw my cards out the window.
Well, that was annoying. Not as terrible as I thought, but dammit, put on some LIGHTS in that damn place. I hate shows with dark shit all the time. Yes, I'm looking at you Season 4 and 5 of SGA!! Not that I hate you, just that person who decides your show should be DARK and UNWATCHABLE.
Anyway, not sure what I'm feeling about the whole suicide thing. It was dumb on one part, and understandable on another. Dumb in that no one seemed to clue in the whole time they knew him. And understandable in that Kutner must've had thoughts about suicide for a long time. It actually makes sense to me! Because it's something I've dealt with myself since I was about thirteen. Even though that
lame Kutner memorial thing is made of supreme fail, I think fake!chase's note hit the nail on the head. He didn't know the guy that well and nobody else did either apparently. Interesting ep intellectually, but hardly anything emotional to chew on. All I can say is damn you Wilson! For not getting the axe. I miss Chase. Come baaack. ;_;
And now onto the drama which is The Biggest Loser. Bring it!