Hi. I get swamped by real life easily, yes I do, so I am here to tell y'all about a plot that, all things being equal, should've gone down months ago. But, as mentioned, real life eated me. D:
Anyway. Hi. This little pup here, she used to be Jinx. She used to be a lot of things. One of those things was a small-fry supervillain from the H.I.V.E. Academy. She stopped being a villain because the multiverse decided it wanted her to play antihero for a while. Then she got her mind blown in sixteen dimensions by seeing everything there is to see, thanks to an alternate of her father, Felix Faust.
She's been away for a while; as many of you know she came back a little bit ago, though her reasons for doing so have remained unclear.
That's about to change. :3
Faust is going to launch a hostile takeover of Jump City. She's going to very cleverly recruit the supervillains in the area - as many as she can - to launch heists, disturbances of the peace, general havoc. She's going to give them the means to make the havoc really nasty havoc in the form of ballistic weaponry if that's their line of work and by pointing them in the direction of some serious magical firepower, if they're so inclined. (She can't make stuff suddenly be magical, and she has no supplies of that sort on her own; but she has been scoping out Jump for a while now, and therefore she's located a fair number of magical goodies for the taking - some of which, if Razor wishes, can be Mumbo's contribution.)
While that's busy going down, she's going to be busy introducing herself to the good guys, ingratiating herself to them, and generally doing her best to be a v. nice person. She's going to be helped in this endeavor by the fact that most of the people around don't know who she used to be, and she won't be telling.
To that end, several of the heists and disturbances she will be organizing will also be intentionally compromised by the appearance of the good guys on the scene, with her tagging along to "help". Most of the villains involved won't know what hit them, but if she sees someone she thinks is clever enough to bring into the plot, she'll fill them in so they can ensure the plan comes off as close to flawless as possible. Regardless of anyone's level of awareness, she fully intends to spring anyone who gets caught from jail ASAP for the opportunity to raise more chaos.
Once these two goals have been accomplished, she is going to convince the mayor into using his executive powers to declare martial law, outlawing the Titans (again) due to the excessive amounts of property damage the villains she recruited will have caused - simply because it will then come out that all the crimes have been committed for the sake of getting the Titans to "notice them", and psych profiles done of the people who were held long enough to be profiled will show they only turned to a life of crime because the Titans formed in the first place. These profiles will, if I can get away with it somehow, be completely fake but utterly convincing. >:3
And then she will take her supervillain group and storm City Hall and for a few hours, she will sit behind the mayor's desk and look smug. She'll probably do a few other things, but those aren't as important to the plot as is the part where the Titans show down with the supervillains in City Hall to get to the mastermind behind it all.
As far as what happens after that, well - chances are she won't stay Mayor very long, but she's not going anywhere afterwards, either, and there will be an eleventh-hour reveal of who she really is as well, which should make that confrontation more interesting.
It's a long and terribly complex plot and I've had lots of time to mull it over and consider how to make it seem like a JCN sort of plot - which, for me, consists of lots of silly action, dramatic character moments, and a bit more realistic treatment of the old ultraviolence than the cartoon canon JCN is based on. If there are any problems, lemme know, but be aware that your pups won't have a clue about all this just yet - right now, all anyone knows about is the gathering of villains Faust is calling for.
Comments/Criticism welcome. Is it good? :D?