What I've been up to . . .

May 02, 2002 19:49

Since I finished school ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

anonymous May 9 2002, 16:21:36 UTC
hey. not happy. why aren't you home? need to talk! i can feel the depression starting again. and i don't know what to do. i guess i could talk to lunchmeat, but i think he might be part of the cause of the oncoming funk. i think another part of it is my current job. perhaps some more of it are the situations in which my current job places me. and certainly the crapass weather has something to do with it too.

i've also been thinking about how you never really know how you'll behave in life altering situations until you're in them. i mean, you don't know if you can be bought until someone offers a price, etc. i'd imagine there are other situations too: pregnancy, rape, depression. just to throw out a few random situations.

you know, i really don't like to feel confused. from now on when i talk to people i'm going to require them to submit a 1/2 page abstract summarizing their intentions for the upcoming conversation.

maybe if i order take-out, the delivery person will be cute.


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