
Aug 12, 2003 20:51

ok, so the summer has been uber busy. i just got home from one of the most amazing vacations ever. i went rafting for a week, slept out under the stars. it was amazing. it made me realize how stupid the "real world" is. we called it the "other world" bc when you're out there, it is a whole other world. it is the coolest thing ever. you just ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

OMG JESS I LOVE/MISS YOU hannieo August 14 2003, 15:07:01 UTC
youre home! finally! and im in arizona. that sucks how that worked out.
im so glad you had a good time on the rafting trip. honestly, i had a really great time at the camping trip even if it didnt seem like it. we definetly need to do that more often. or maybe i can convince my parents to let us drive up to the cabin and spend the night there, just us two. aww that would be sweet. ok this is getting kinda long. but basically im glad you are back and i will be back on monday. yay!

ps. you can email me or call me on my cell

pps. tell morg i love her and she's beautiful


Re: OMG JESS I LOVE/MISS YOU jcrjes August 14 2003, 19:36:49 UTC
i will do both of those things and it's soo nice to hear from you! i got home and i was like, oh, gotta call han! so i'll call you tonight at 9 when mins are free. yes, i agree, that was fun and cabinning would be even better! ok, well, i'll talk to you later...tonight!!!

hope all is well in the az.

i ran today! and yesterday! and the day before!


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