1. Rosie, I got your package today. My friends and I sat around staring at that card for pretty much an hour and a half straight. Good job. And also, I love Dane Cook and I didn't have that CD so thank you so much!!
2. My brother got me a professional mixer for my birthday. I love him.
I have fully-functioning Skype. Sign up now for phone dates. And you better hurry, because the demand will be high and my time is limited. Right now, you're probably all thinking, "Oh Kathryn, that kidder". But no. Seriously. I am super-popular and awesome.
So, I'm about to start being manager for a job in which I have no training. I mean, I have training for the job. But not being the manager. That's right, I am no longer calling prospective students. I am now telling other people to call prospective students. I'm moving my way up the ladder! Crap, my other boss is coming. I'll write more later.