lauren is sick :(

Nov 17, 2005 01:30

okay so my life may be starting to resemble some type of order.
anyhowwww, since everyone else has oh so courteously posted their schedules, here is mine for next semester. mondays will be a suicide mission, but other than that, i'm thinking it's a pretty sweet deal. oh, so now i'm an Education Studies minor ?

MondaySports Journalism 9:55-12: ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

palmxreader November 17 2005, 14:54:29 UTC
you got your schedule already!?


fundamentals of tv? palmxreader November 17 2005, 15:03:26 UTC
oh lord, ps.
Imagine if i mirrored your schedule to be in all your classes. How funny would that be and how much would you kill me?


Re: fundamentals of tv? jcutie92386 November 17 2005, 20:52:51 UTC
yeah, i registered last thursday into friday! cause i have a lot of credits and i'm nice like that. fundamentals of tv... as in editing, television reporting and stuff. and umm, you couldn't be in all my classes,but i would certainly LOVE it.


aaamy November 17 2005, 20:55:22 UTC
you have the longest classes i've ever seen. also, you are the luckiest girl in the world because you get to go to school with shakespeare's finest fan. haven't her boobs grown?


jcutie92386 November 17 2005, 22:45:45 UTC
well the two 9:55-12:35 classes are so long because they are blocks, meaning i only have to have them once a week which is awesome. the fundamentals ones are long i guess just because they're for my major? and yes, i am lucky. & i guesssss he boobs have grown, i actually don't really know. but she did just give me a huge hug when i saw her in passing. then again that could be because it's about -37589 degrees out.

see you on thanksgiving?


beccaspike November 18 2005, 00:01:01 UTC
I'm so happy you are an education studies minor! We get to have classes together and we can stalk each other easier since we'll be sitting there next to each other :)


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