Title: Five Times that Jim Kirk and Carol Marcus Hooked Up, and One Time they Didn’t
jadeddivaRating:Mature. Most definitely mature.
Word Count: 7800 words
Warnings: Spoilers for the movie and Wrath of Khan, actually
Summary: He rationalizes it by thinking that Carol Marcus is a rarity, and he doesn’t want to give up on what could be a beautiful
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Comments 7
Love the details, too, like the pancakes burning, or the lemon slice. I really like the way you write Jim, too -- we can see the cocky frat-boy persona, but also the depths. And we can see that Carol matters a lot to him almost before he can see it.
And, I like your view of Carol, that she's brilliant and she knows what she wants, but at the same time she's cautious, because this is Jim Kirk we're talking about, right?
The idea that Jim knows about the baby in this timeline has lots of interesting possibilities, too.
Also, nice McCoy -- the "damn it, Jim," was perfectly him.
I'm glad you enjoyed it :) And that you understood the characters as I wrote them, because alot of the time people may miss what the writer's trying to say, you know? I got a ff.net review that mentioned they were happy with this version of taming Kirk and I was all "WTF this is not a tamed Kirk this is not about taming!" so having someone understand what I was going for ROCKS. Hard.
(expect an email from me today re: tomorrow)
I feel I understand Carol Marcus a bit better after reading this. I could never begin to figure out the Carol/Jim dynamic, or how David had become so poisoned against "overgrown boy scouts" and Starfleet, or any of it, really. But here you posit her as a thoroughly self-sufficient person to begin with, and her relationship with Jim as fairly casual, and it does, in fact, make sense. So thanks for that.
This is the first time I've read fic in which reboot!Kirk feels in character and yet as if he could really grow up to be TOS!Kirk. In my own writing, I've always tended to see him as someone so different that he will never quite become that other Kirk though he may be as good or better. I think you've managed something a wee bit remarkable here in blending the two.
Jim was marvellous too ;) More irreverent, but still Kirk.
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