Poop Survey - Please Help!

Feb 16, 2007 13:27

I'm seriously worried about what will happen to my bowel movements if I take a 9-5 job.  I won't have the 2 relaxing hours in the morning I need to make a poop.  What do other people do?  I need to know from 9-5ers out there:

1. When do you poop? 
2. What makes you poop? 
3. Do you poop everyday? 

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Comments 7

stramdagger February 17 2007, 00:14:15 UTC
1. usually in the morning after i've had my coffee
2. coffee
3. yes

i look forward to my morning poop at work. i usually just take in a crossword or a sudoku and chill. take your time girl. 9-5 jobs are meant for fucking off.


jdcelery February 17 2007, 02:37:29 UTC
Ooooh. I didn't realize that you could have a BM at work. I guess because I need to be completely relaxed to poop and walking into a classroom is the opposite of relaxing. Hopefully it will be a job where I can check my email and read NYtimes online first thing. Thanks for the mentoring.


autopoop and the butt wipes. dessertwhore February 17 2007, 08:48:33 UTC
The great thing about the Poop Function is, you don't have to think about it--it will call you to the commode.

The real problem of working outside the home--or for long stretches in an office--is butt hygiene. But that's another discussion. Also, if you think it's unlikely you'd be introducing your butt to anyone at work, up close and personal, it's less of an issue. Still, baby wipes (and now they've wised up and are marketing the same thing to adults) are a no-brainer. xoxo


Re: autopoop and the butt wipes. jdcelery February 27 2007, 14:46:56 UTC
I'm a big fan of the butt wipes, don't get me wrong. I even carry a travel pack just in case. But my poop function only works if I'm relaxed or talking to my mother on the phone. How can I get my poop function to take charge is the question? I'd love to be able to open those baby wipes in a public restroom one day. You're right about butt hygeine - it's the polite thing to do.


poop. anonymous February 18 2007, 10:48:13 UTC
2.a delicate combination of black tea, anxiety, vegetables, exercise, and relaxation
3.almost everyday.

i hear you about the 9-5. personally, i don't know how i will ever work another job after the one i'm in. you can't beat my 12-6 4 days a week schedule. even though there's no job mobility and when i'm 40 i might like to be doing something other than cleaning up 5 year olds dirty paintbrushes. and yet still a desk job doesn't actually seem much better for me.

here's my advice to you. think of your new job as temporary.
i know this artist that went corporate and saved a bunch of money, and then took a bunch of time off to make her art.
now, you are going to have to poo during this corporate time-
but just think of the vacation time AFTER you work some months in a 9 to 5er. . .and maybe your sphincter will relax!


anonymous February 18 2007, 17:37:10 UTC
1. Whenever the spirit moves me.
2. Almost anything - first meal of the day, talking on the phone, shopping.
3. Oh, yeah! and sometimes more!

I have something called Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which is a fancy name for the fact that almost any emotional event or any unusual meal brings it on. So I have learned to quickly run into the nearest bathroom and let her rip - on the plus side, I rarely take more than a minute from start to finish.

Enough on mine, now about yours. You might consider metamucil or something similar. It really helps both problems and just normalizes stuff.


kbcarrot February 22 2007, 23:25:06 UTC
1. 8:25am
2. high fiber cereal, a triple shot americano and busy work.
3. if i'm lucky!


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