Still happier than you might expect for a wage-slave. It's blueruthless's last day. And while that makes me sad, it's a great day for her.
Plus it was the pair of us along with dragonsdwell at breakfast and that was a laugh.
The mysterious headache made a brief reappearance during service and knocked me for six for a few minutes, but once that was gone, the dizziness and nausea subsided.
I am beginning to think I should take slightly better care of myself. I take my health for granted an awful lot of the time, and it's showing signs of buckling. Not just my weight going down again, but my hair is dry and all over the place, my mails are brittle, my skin is cracking across the knuckles and palms as well as my feet. And random aches and pains are to be expected but I should look into these headaches. So much to do...
In happier news, both coursework essays into the planning stage a week ahead of schedule, reading on target and the ridiculous depths of Ancient Greek politics no longer look quite so unfathomable. And I'm feeling up to running again, as the Plague seems to have gone it's way.
Plus we're coming up on Samhain!!