sliding underneath the parasol, i find my mouth is dry

Nov 11, 2009 17:42

The good thing about spending long periods of time talking with my Dad is that he forces me to think.
I've been a bit of an idiot in the past taking too much onto my plate and working to make it keep going as though the end of the semester were a finishing line I just have to reach at any cost.
Is it possible I learned? Apparantly not.
From the point of view of somebody who has done the degree in the past and also known me from the little wriggly stage, he subtly hinted that perhaps the 70 hr studying + 35 hour working week are not, after all, optimally compatable. I need to rethink my approach on this.
I wanted to tell him what a sense of achievement I get balancing everything, working every hour I'm given and fending for myself after 18 years of financial dependance. I could have spoken also about the self-discipline and stamina this lifestyle has helped me develop. Not to mention the friends, contacts, little scraps of knowledge and experience.
But it's all for nothing if I drop from this year with burn-out or scrape by with a 2.2 when I could have been the first in my family to hit 1st.
Selfish? Which course of action is more so?

I'm glad the mother-ship is mobile again, she was looking pretty sickly for a bit. Together we listened to Valiant's last show of the semester and talked about gardens and sustainable transport.

Marty has stepped from one fight back into another, I wish he could have a smooth time of it for a little while. He's far too intelligent to sink into cynical intertia. I tried to let him know I'm in his corner.

Nutzy has a new fixation and is back on top. We toured through town together and noticed that, who'd have thought, a lot can change in ten years.

ElfGirl is going yo-yo. I hoped we could sit down together and talk it out but that will have to wait. So silly to worry about her, she's more sensible than me.

And tomorrow I'm leading a hike to Dunino. Watch out, Fife >:-D
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