Plurk drabbles

Jun 08, 2011 00:37

1. Jean and Marcelon - P!nk ~ Get The Party Started
Jean held a hand against his mouth, the only attempt to hide his otherwise obvious laughter. From across the club, he could see his subtly disgruntled right hand man heading towards him. Marcelon’s outfit didn’t fit him as well as usual. It wasn’t his outfit at all; the mesh-shirt, wife beater, and tight jeans all belonged to Jean. For every well-tailored suit in his wardrobe, one could also find an item of clothing that would horrifically embarrass most. Jean took Marcelon’s hand and pulled him out on the dancefloor, wasting no time and grinding against his employee’s backside. Jean didn’t need to see Marcelon’s face to know that the man was probably rolling his eyes but smirking all the same. “So,” Marcelon shouted over the thumping bass, their natural French falling on deaf ears in the German club. “Was our little covert mission a success?” Jean’s hands slid down to the other man’s hips, guiding him in just the proper way. He grinned against Marcelon’s ear, having far too much fun with the situation. “I believe so,” Jean replied breezily. “But let’s stay a little longer just in case. Would be suspicious if we left early.”

2. Merlotte's Crew - The Prodigy ~ Omen

At least Joe had a good soundtrack for tonight’s daily harassment from AGI. Griffin Jumped directly inside the office that used to be Sam’s, where Tifa had been filling out some paperwork. “Oi,” he said quickly, “They’re back. You and Rinoa need to get people out of here.” Griffin was gone in the blink of an eye, back in the fray.

It was uncanny, how these people from all different walks of life could ban together every time AGI tried to take them down. Griffin saw the smallest but important gestures: Cordelia smashing a glass over one grunt’s head who was about to attack Kenpachi, Ace ushering Ella out the back even though she wanted to stay and help. Even though Sam was gone, they worked as a team. Griffin grabbed a man by the scruff of his neck, who was ready to lunge for Sirius behind the bar. He slammed his head into one of stools and knocked him out. It all happened so fast that Sirius wasn’t able to stop the spell he had meant for the grunt. Griffin was able to Jump before the flames got to him. Well, they weren’t a team without issues.

3. Cal and Honey - The White Stripes ~ My Doorbell
Cal had been told by many people that he’s the craziest person they know. He didn’t mind. If being what he was made him crazy, then he’d rather be crazy than sane. But he also thought that he didn’t hold a candle to one Honey Heffalump. She jumped up and down next to him, her hands in the air, joy radiating from her. Cal was glad he invited her to the concert. She suddenly turned to face him. “C’mon,” she exclaimed. “You need to dance!” Cal laughed and started jumping up and down with her. The song had slowed down considerably, but it didn’t matter. If this is what crazy was, then Cal truly felt sorry for the sane people.

4. Jean and Léonie - The Beatles ~ I Am The Walrus
Jean carefully placed the square bit paper on the tip of his finger. He gave his employee a devilish look. Léonie looked him over, taking note of his dilating pupils. “Are you sure about this?” She asked him. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust her boss, it was only that drugs weren’t her area of expertise, particularly heavy-hitting ones like LSD. Jean flashed her a toothy grin. “Completely,” he said, somehow managing to sound reassuring even though he currently thought he saw a trio of devils dancing on her shoulder. “It’ll be fun,” he coaxed, leaning in closer to her and nuzzling her neck. Léonie bit her lip in thought. “Only for you, Jean,” she sighed seductively before sucking the blotting paper off of his finger.

5. Anna and Griffin - The Fratellis ~ Cigarello (Because there were no good YouTube copies. >[)
Griffin slid the mug of beer down the bar. It only had to travel a few inches before Anna had to catch it. Her fingers tapped on the rim nervously. “C’mon,” Griffin insisted. “You’re supposed to be enjoying yourself. You have to set the example for me, I don’t do this often.” Or ever, for that matter. Griffin didn’t make a habit of going out for drinks, especially not with people. But he owed Anna. She seemed down and out lately. He was too. And they both needed to hit a bar that wasn’t the place they worked. He raised his glass to her, shooting her a small, roguish grin. Anna had to admire his persistence and she clanked her glass with his. “Okay,” she said. “I guess I’ll have to show you how it’s done.” As Griffin took his drink, he thought it was weird that he liked the sound of that.

6. Anna and Balthazar - Clint Mansell ~ Requiem for a Dream (Remix)
“Keep going,” Anna barked. She burned in the light of the Heavenly Host before taking cover behind a once beautiful pillar now cracked and stained with ash. One of her brothers, one from her very own garrison, lunged forward with the intent to destroy, but he suddenly cried out in horror and fell before her. Behind him stood Balthazar, his sword shimmering with Grace. He quickly ducked behind the pillar next to her. He glanced at what was left of his brother. “I know,” she said to him. It was amazing how quickly she switched from being a fierce battle commander to a loving sister. Balthazar looked up at her. “He betrayed us,” he said to her, voice full of conviction. “He had it coming.” If he was honest, Balthazar would have admitted that stabbing his brother in the back felt wrong somewhere deep down. But his brother would have done the same. “Keep going,” Anna repeated firmly. There wasn’t any time for reflection.

siren's, writing, vault

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