We have been stagnant long enough, haven't we? I guess I need to get this icontest moving again, hopefully ;p . So, the new theme is Finale, since the Summer season of Jdramas has just ended. Yet, I am not limiting the scope to only the current season, so just icon whatever you deem fit when you think of 'finale'! :D The deadline is this Friday.
Submission should be in this manner:
[icon URL]
[drama/actor name]
I NEED my co-mods to respond to this post. Looks like everyone is missing without notifying me so I don't know if the icontest can still go on if there's no one around to run the show. I will definitely need someone to rotate mod-ing duties, so if the current mods are not willing to do so anymore, I will have to start recruiting new ones. So, erm, current mods, please respond to indicate if you want to stay or retire? And for anyone new, if you are interested in joining us as staff (mod or banner-maker), do comment as well. I will take note of it and see what we can do about it! Let's try to keep
jdoramacon going! ^_^