Today wasn't bad.. A few of my teachers were out, so I didn't get all the work that I missed on thursday.. I did, however, manage to finish my take home german test! go me! tomorrow morning i have to go to thomas for make up history h/w. and he better be there this time!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still have math shit to make up, and an english essay, which will only take me 20 mins to complete. I have to make up a science test too, but I get to copy down definitions and diagrams- go me!
im waitin for 10 o'clock to roll around so I can watch the inferno II, good guys vs. bad asses.. on the commercials they showed the 'asses' guys gettin into an arguement, and I think, from what i saw, Karamo started it.. That dude's got a stick up his ass or something! w/e and Beth needs to fuckin get lost!
for those who don't watch the show, you probably had no idea what any of that meant! lol. well whatever. my parents anny is this saturday.. what the hell do i get them? someone. please give me an idea!