sparkly sparkly SIGN-UP post!!
If you are unsure about how this works, read the rules
HERE. You can also always write me a PM or email (you'll find the email address in the rules post) in case you have questions (Don't be afraid, I won't bite. I'm not Sakamoto)
How does an exchange work?
You sign-up here (comment to this post) and fill out the sign-up form (scroll down a little to find it) with all your wishes and wants. Once sign-ups are closed I'll send out the assignments (you'll receive an email with the information who you are going to write a fic for - you won't get to know who is going to write for you though. That's the surprise :-) ), finish the fic until the deadline. Once posting period starts, I'll post the fics (1-3 each day). Until and during that time keep everything a secret - you are not supposed to tell anyone (especially your recipient) that you wrote that specific fic (remember, the surprise ^___^) - don't repost your fic anywhere either. Once posting is over and I post the reveals, the secret gets lifted and you'll know who wrote for you, just like your recipient knows that you are his/her author. You repost and brag about your fic then :-)
Who counts as a Senpai?
I've thought about that question a lot but considering that there already is an Arashi and Kanjani8 exchange going on (two groups, I'd consider Senpai groups by now), I decided to leave them aside for this year (unless you want them!)
So, Senpai groups are: TakkiTsuba, Kinki Kids, TOKIO, V6, SMAP and all the Dai-Senpais of course)
General information for signing up
Once you signed up and realized that you forgot something, just edit your comment or answer to your original comment (otherwise it might get too confusing for everyone else - particularly me)
I advise you not to keep your sign-up too vague. The more detailed your sign-up post it and the more options your assigned writer will have to chose from, the easier it is for everyone.
What does pinch-hitting mean?
Pinch-hitting means to write a fic last minute if the original author dropped out.
Just to remind you: Provide at least TWO pairings between Senpai members (crossovers within Senpai groups appreciated and allowed!) Other than that you can go wild and request dorama pairings, het etc. (just keep one Senpai in your pairing!)
Fic Journal/Archive:
Pairings/People I would like to write:
Pairings/People I don't want to write:
Prompts/genres/kinks/situations etc. I would like to write:
Prompts/genres/kinks/situations etc. I would NOT like to write:
Pairings/People I want in my fic:
Pairings/People I don't want in my fic:
Prompts/genres/kinks/situations etc. I want to read in my fic:
Prompts/genres/kinks/situations etc. I DON'T want to read in my fic:
Preferred rating (written and received):
Could you pinch-hit?
Could you beta?
Anything else you want to say?
Sign-up form for you to copy:
LJ Name:Fic Journal/Archive: Email: Pairings/People I would like to write:Pairings/People I don't want to write:Prompts/genres/kinks/situations etc. I would like to write:Prompts/genres/kinks/situations etc. I would NOT like to write: Pairings/People I want in my fic:Pairings/People I don't want in my fic:Prompts/genres/kinks/situations etc. I want to read in my fic:Prompts/genres/kinks/situations etc. I DON'T want to read in my fic: Preferred rating (written and received): Could you pinch-hit? Could you beta? Anything else you want to say? Schedule:
Signups begin: June, 21st
Signups end: July, 25th
Assignments sent out: July, 26th-27th.
Fics due: October 9th
Fic posting begins: October 16th
Reveals: One week after posting
Don't scare away and sign up :D