Title: Kanto FC: Player #4
Unit for Points: ABC-Z
Word Count: 100
Characters: Kitayama
Notes: World Cup + Kitayama = this needed to be done
Name: Kitayama Hiromitsu
Number: 4
Position: Midfield (Vice Captain)
Appearances (2010): 12
Goals (2010): 5
Player number 4 for the Tokyo team is small but fast. On the field, he’s most often found tearing through the opposing team’s defensive line, or sneaking in with some fancy footwork to steal the ball from right under the bigger players’ noses. A fan and media favourite, Kitayama is considered the star of the team.
Off the game field, he baffles all of his team members. Instead of properly practicing, the man spends most of the training season napping and invading other players’ showers.
Title: Kanto FC: Player #1
Unit for Points: ABC-Z
Word Count: 100
Characters: Goseki
Name: Goseki Koichi
Number: 1
Position: Defense (Captain)
Appearances (2010): 8
Goals (2010): 1
For someone who is the captain of the most popular football team in Tokyo, Goseki likes to sit on the bench (preferably in the shade, with a subordinate* to bring him a nicely iced bottle of water) an inordinate amount. Even when he does show up on the pitch, Goseki doesn’t play with aggression. These factors, plus his diminutive stature, often lead opponents to underestimate his ability. Yet, somehow, usually looking like he’s barely even trying, Goseki is always a force to be reckoned with.
Title: Kanto FC: Player #2
Unit for Points: ABC-Z
Word Count: 100
Characters: Nikaido
Name: Nikaido Takashi
Number: 2
Position: Goalkeeper
Appearances (2010): 18
Goals (2010): 0
Actually, Nikaido started as forward winger his first year on the team, where he was flashed red and yellow cards galore, thanks to his violence towards opponents and sarcasm towards referees.
Instead of dismissing such a volatile player, team captain Goseki made the daring move of assigning Nikaido the position of goalkeeper.
An intense, quiet season of training later, Nikaido emerged as an excellent goalie. His flexibility and quick reactions now cost rival teams many a goal, and even won Nikaido the league MVP award one year.
Title: Kanto FC: Player #3
Unit for Points: ABC-Z
Word Count: 100
Characters: Fujigaya
Name: Fujigaya Taisuke
Number: 3
Position: Forward
Appearances (2010): 14
Goals (2010): 10
Fujigaya is the self-appointed “media correspondent” of the team, partly because he likes to talk (a lot) and partly because he thinks he’s just as good looking as Kitayama, so there’s no reason why the camera shouldn’t love him too.
Fujigaya is also honest. He’ll be the first to tell you that he’s the top scoring player because Kitayama passes half the goals to him, that his hair is always nice thanks to Tamamori’s expensive hair products, and that all his best jokes are stolen from Kawai.
Title: Kanto FC: Player #9
Unit for Points: ABC-Z
Word Count: 100
Characters: Tsukada
Name: Tsukada Ryoichi
Number: 9
Position: Defense
Appearances (2010): 10
Goals (2010): 0
Nobody really ever calls Tsukada by his proper name anymore, it’s just “Tsuka-chan.”
Like his moniker, Tsuka-chan himself is quirky and cheerful, both on the field and off. In his center-back position, he’s always finding unique ways to head off balls (the most famous being with his ass, in 2008) and wearing brightly colored sweat bands that stand out against the green. On the street, he gets recognized most often, thanks to his penchant for wearing only shorts and a t-shirt, even during freezing Tokyo winters.
AN: If anybody is knowledgeable about Apps/Goals stats in football, please enlighten me! I sort of guesstimated for the stats I used here, so they may or may not be realistic.
Read about the rest of them here!