Title: Office Refreshments
Unit for Points: tackey & tsubasa
Word Count:100 (x2)
Characters/Pairings: tackey x tsubasa
Hideaki jumped up so quickly that his chair nearly shot out from underneath him. “Of course,” he said happily. Tsubasa trailed him back to the pantry, mug in hand.
It was short work to exchange the empty bottle. Hideaki dusted his hands off on his pants and gestured towards the water cooler. “All done.”
Tsubasa smiled his thanks, bent over and refilled his mug. Behind him, Hideaki made a choking noise and started coughing. Alarmed, Tsubasa hastily turned around and offered his newly-filled mug, but Hideaki just grew inexplicably redder in the face.
Koichi, en route to the copier, snickered.
Heart beating rapidly, Hideaki knocked lightly on the door. Tsubasa looked up expectantly. “Would you like to maybe, perhaps go grab some coffee?” he said in one breath.
“Not today; I have to finish this report.” Tsubasa smiled ruefully. “But I would kill for a venti caramel frappuccino, extra whipped. And a muffin too, please.”
Hideaki was momentarily stupefied before jumping into action. “Sure,” he said, scribbling down the order.
Tsubasa never paid him back; the image of Tsubasa blissfully slurping up whipped cream etched in his brain forced Hideaki to scurry back to the safety of his own cubicle.