Title: Kisumai Sentai II
Unit for Points: TU→YU
Word Count: 100x5
Characters: Kis-My-Ft2
Fujigaya talks. He talks and talks and talks and takes a breath and talks some more. Yokoo is always saying that Fujigaya could have become a politician, if only he wasn't quite so good at talking. But after all it's just words, and for the longest time Senga wonders how exactly Fujigaya's loquacity constitutes as a superpower.
He finally mentions it one day, after he's somehow roped into buying Fujigaya a ¥150,000 necklace.
The older man looks at him with a smile ghosting the corners of his lips. "There's more to talking than just words... Thanks for the necklace, Ken-chan!"
It's obvious from the outset what Tamamori's power is, although Senga's not sure if he'd classify Tamamori as a superhero, exactly... Because everything breaks when Tamamori is around.
"See, we've narrowed it down to skates as the ideal form of transportation," Kitayama explains, handing Miyata a wrench to fix his broken wheel. "When we had a car, we were all stuck until Triple A arrived. At least this way, the rest of us can go on ahead."
"It's okay Tama-chan," Miyata smiles, "I still like you."
"What happened to your skates?" asks Tamamori cluelessly.
"Ten feet away, Tama-chan!" Kitayama orders.
Some days, when Tamamori's "episodes" are especially bad, Kisumai try to be on the lookout for disasters as much as possible.
"Don't!" Fujigaya yelps, making a dash for the bathroom as he sees Tamamori disappear into it, towel on his head.
But too late, because moments later, Tamamori emerges with his hair still messy, a broken hair iron in hand.
"I just bought it last week," Fujigaya slumps against the wall, "It was on sale, even."
"It made a very pretty shower of sparks when I plugged it in," Tamamori offers, looking down at the iron with an appreciative smile.
Yokoo - Yokoo-san - is scary. He's got long, pointy fingers that point at Senga accusingly when he neglects to wipe his crumbs off the table, and a glare like a laser beam that seems to pierce right through Senga when he's left candy wrappers on the sofa. Plus Yokoo's superpower is to create black holes, which, Senga thinks, ought to leave any self-respecting superhero, let alone villain, quaking in his skates.
But what frightens Senga most of all is how Yokoo seems see right through him, to understand exactly what he's thinking, without needing words. And it's not even a superpower.
Nikaido's superpower is invisibility, but it's basically useless because he's never able to keep his mouth shut. "Watch where you're going, you- ow! Hey, watch your elbow-! God this sucks!" Still spewing a litany of complaints, he pops back into sight.
Truth be told, Senga does feel a bit sympathetic (it can't be comfortable to have an elbow in one's ear, after all), but he's more scared of the expression on the senpais' faces.
"Hey I have an idea," Fujigaya says brightly, "Maybe if we send Nikaido to the evil side, they'll kill themselves instead of dealing with his whining!"
AN: for the non-Americans who might not know? Triple A is a car insurance company that comes and tows your car when it breaks down XD