Since we're still in keitai week...
Title: Speed Dial
Unit for Points: They Budou
Word Count: 100
Characters: Tsuyoshi/Koichi
The number one slot on Tsuyoshi’s speed dial is empty. His mother has always been ‘2’, and the rest of the numbers are filled up with family members, his manager, and the staff or band members he works with the most.
"If we stay together long enough," he assures his girlfriends, "I’ll put you there."
"How long is long enough?" they ask.
He doesn’t give a clear answer, shrugs and says he’ll know when the time comes.
The girls never stick around long enough to find out.
But in his head, the answer is clear. Long enough is thirteen years.
Title: Emergency Contact
Unit for Points: They Budou
Word Count: 100
Characters: Koichi/Tsuyoshi
Koichi never calls anybody on the phone first, so the only reason he has contacts saved is for identification purposes - and sometimes, to his family’s chagrin, he forgets to do even that.
“Kou-chan,” his mother worries, “what if your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and you don’t have anybody you can call to pick you up?”
He’s horrified. “Mother, I take better care of my car than that! And I’m in my thirties already!” But sighs and relents, “I guess I’d call Tsuyoshi.”
“Honey, you don’t have his number either.”
“No, I… I have it memorized.”