Title: Snakes
Unit for Points: JJExpress
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Hasshi/Takaki, Goseki, YamaRyo, Yara and his snake.
Author's Notes: I've actually been meaning to write this as an actual fic, but never got around to it. And since it pretty much fits in two drabbles, I guess there's no reason to. xD
There were ooh's and aah's of admiration, everyone crowding to get a look. “That is so cool.” Goseki muttered under his breath while Yamamoto flailed, cooing.
“What're they looking at?” A passing couple paused and Takaki leaned, craning for a look. Hasshi shrugged, having no explanation.
“Hasshiiiii.” Yara suddenly popped up from the cluster. “Lookit!” He proudly held up a long, slender coil of...snake.
There was a ear splitting shriek and everyone stared as Takaki was suddenly not touching the ground and clawing his way up Hasshi's torso.
“Get that fucking thing away from me!”
Title: Hamsters
Unit for Points: JJExpress
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Hasshi/Takaki, Ryu and his hamster.
Author's Notes: Hasshi and hamsters, I will never get enough of this, really.
“Yuuyan's such a baaaaby~” Hasshi teased, earning himself yet another elbow in the gut. “Heyyy, come on, I wasn't the one screaming like a little girl.”
“Shut up!” Takaki flailed, hissing and covering the other's mouth with his hand, glaring daggers
“Takagi!” Ryu rushed up, wearing an expression of worry. “I can't find my hamster!”
“Eh?” Takaki pointed. “Chinen's holding i--”
There was another shriek and a thud and Ryu stared down at the tangled mess on the floor.
It wasn't really Takaki's fault he was half of Hasshi's height and weight.