hikage_miko_25 wrote in
Jul 06, 2008 15:58
First off, what are you claiming? Chinen Yuri
What category would it fall under: Individual, group, pairing/friendship/orgy/etc, movie/dorama characters, or miscellaneous? Individual
kibounoashita wrote in
Jun 01, 2008 11:45
First off, what are you claiming? Takaki Yuya
What category would it fall under: Individual, group, pairing/friendship/orgy/etc, movie/dorama characters, or miscellaneous? Individual
lakuru_san wrote in
May 25, 2008 16:01
First off, what are you claiming? Yamashita Tomoshisa's Seventeen 0409
What category would it fall under: Individual, group, pairing/friendship/orgy/etc, movie/dorama characters, or miscellaneous? miscellaneous
I hope I got the rules right and my claim is ok. ^_^