I hope everyone's in the mood for a laugh because I couldn't stop laughing through this whole episode. Is it just me (and Cel) or is she coming onto Hina in a big way? Back off, woman! Hina is OURS. *giggles* You'll just have to watch and see for yourself. (And Ryo-chan will make someone a very good hubby someday. He can cook! Which is more than can be said for Ohkura, but at least the lad tries....)
Anyway, here are today's releases. Along with, you guessed it, another surprise release. Douzo! \(^-^)/ And please remember to comment when you take, thanks so much! (use HJSplit to join the parts together, ne...)
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MU .002:
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MU .003:
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MU Today's other release is 2005-era KAT-TUN with Original Blue. (I just love Junno's lame-ass jokes. Don't you?)
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MU And today's surprise release is yet more of the amazingly H.A.W.T Yokoyama Yuu's performance on Shounen Club a few weeks ago, this time with ConfUsion. *faints*
MF Now up!//