now you're gone

Dec 03, 2014 13:56

As I'm sure everyone is aware, this is long, long overdue and many of you figured this was the case, but there will be no posting. This is completely my fault - I got immensely bogged down with real life problems, which is not an excuse, but the reason why I barely turned on my computer most days. I'm incredibly sorry that this declined the way it ( Read more... )

! mod post, ! 2014

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Comments 6

Too lazy to change accounts, this is Clipsie. azurevanillasky December 3 2014, 05:39:44 UTC
The epic posting of my fic is HERE if anyone would like to read it. Also, here is the fic information as per our dear mod's form (I change it up in my journal):

Title: Art thieves are for classical art, right?
Groups/Pairings: Mostly V6, with a side helping of Hey!Say!JUMP, Sexy Zone, A.B.C-Z, Tokio, Arashi, Johnny’s Jr., Kanjani8, KinKi Kids, and KAT-TUN. Some of them are just name drops, although speaking roles belong to Nino, Okada, Ken & Taichi. Starring Sakamoto Masayuki.
Rating: PG
Warnings: This is dumb.
Summary: There is an art forger about, and Sakamoto is going to definitely try to catch them

Happy Holidays from reindeer Sakamoto!


alchemicink December 4 2014, 01:22:14 UTC
I am a failure at html so I can't link it, but my fic is posted on AO3. "Operation: Become Pirates" by alchemicink.

I just wanna say a big thank you to whoever submitted the prompt about pirates because I LOVE PIRATES. ^_^

And thank you, Capn Planet, for trying to get this exchange together this year. I'm happy I had the opportunity to participate. No need to apologize!


sugiex December 4 2014, 13:52:36 UTC
Title: Hide → Seek
Groups/Pairing: KAT-TUN, NaKame; multiple appearances by Team Miracle, Sho (and his hard life) and Sparkly!MatsuJun
Rating: G
Summary: Nakamaru finds himself trying to survive for a million dollars. Emphasis on the trying, with his impromptu caffeine junkie partner confusing him more than helping.
Note: Written according to the television variety show prompt :)

Ready or not. Here I come.

Happy holidays everyone and I'm glad to have joined this exchange nonetheless!


arimi_skywalker December 7 2014, 10:56:08 UTC
My prompt was 'A and B live in the same apartment building, doing whatever normal-people jobs they happen to have. They meet one night when A drunkenly attempts to break into B's apartment, thinking it is his own.', and this is what I did with it -> Follow the leader, leader, leader~

Title: Tokyo Banana
Groups/Pairings: Arashi / JunToshi (Jun/Ohno)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: Jun and Ohno live in the same apartment building. One night, Ohno drunkenly attempts to break into Jun's apartment, thinking it is his own...
Notes: Thank you so much to the anon who thought this prompt. I had so much fun writing it! English isn't my mother language, so please forgive any mistake!

I'm glad to have participated in this, no matter what :)))


mylittlecthulhu December 8 2014, 09:51:51 UTC
My prompt was: Office/work AU - Character A works long, stressful hours in the office and meets Character B, who is either a member of the cleaning staff or works as a security guard. It's their bond (friendship or romantic) that changes Character A's life/situation for the better.

Title: After Hours
Groups/Pairings: Arashi, Kanjani8. Matsumoto Jun/Shibutani Subaru (sort of), Matsumoto Jun/Ninomiya Kazunari (friendship)
Rating: G
Summary: In which Jun throws himself into work after a bad break up, Nino worries, and Subaru makes tea.


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