Name/Nickname: Kring/ Kring-Kring
Age:21 (shuddup i'm old)
Likes: films, art, performing, writing, acting, humor, color (but my fave is red/pink) and not to forget, GHEI & CRACK!!!
Dislikes: pretentious or fake people, bland things,
Strong points: funny, ambitious, full of life, dedicated, emotional
Weaker points: agressive, sometimes tactless, narcissistic, emotional, can't cook for my life
Hobbies: writing (songs, scripts, fiction), downloading ghei porn
Talent: performing arts i guess (dancing, acting, a little bit of singing), writing, directing, impersonating people, fangirling, doing spitbubbles, swallowing shards of glass
Describe your personality in three words: BOLD. COLORFUL. SHINING.
Hot or Cold?: Hot (but not in a "I'm-Paris-Hilton-I'm-so-hot-it-makes-me-cry " kinda way
Mature or Immature?: Mature
Leader or Follower?: oh definitely a LEADER
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: i hate to say this but Pessimistic
Low, medium, or high energy level?: HIGH or i'd die (and that rhymed!)
FAVOURITE? (tell why if you can)
Favorite boy: Ninomiya Kazunari (coz Uchi's my favorite girl ^__^). I feel like we're really destined to be together and to answer your question, yes. I do prohibited drugs, too.
Favorite song: KONSEKI. Why not? It's just the best evvvvaaaarrrr.
Favorite Johnny group: NEWS. Because.
How did you find this community?: Through
atarashiiyoake's journal. Please blame her. *giggles*
Who do you think you are most like and why?: Nino just 'coz I see a lot of myself in him. And Akanishi in the 'stfu, bitch' area.
Anything else?: Since only 2 of my flisters are members of this comm, i doubt if people will even reply here but if so, thank you. And uhm... -start random- I'll be famous someday. -end random-