
Oct 15, 2010 05:25

Name: Please refer to by username.
Age: 20
Location: Taiwan, or that island right of China and under Japan on the map.

[All About You]
The general basics~
Describe your basic outlook on life: It's not like I have a choice in most things, so I might as well laugh through it. Lately I've been finding life uninteresting, but that's likely going to change soon when winter rolls around and the temperature finally drops to one I can live in.
What kind of style do you usually sport?: T-shirt and sporty pants or jeans, or long t-shirts with tights. My choice is usually based on colors, preferably bright and contradicting.
What kind of people do you like to associate with?: People in school or in the same club. Or people who approach me first and doesn't mind my outbursts.
What is something about you that you are proud of?: I don't let others decide who I am and what I want.
What is a something about you that you are ashamed of?: I don't really have a skill to be proud of. I have various skills, but none of them really stand out, which makes me feel like failure.
What is your ultimate wish/dream/goal in life?: Get a job with a steady income and travel around the globe, then eventually buy a house/apartment with at least a bedroom, a bathroom and a small kitchen. Then, if possible, travel some more.
Describe some quirks about your personality: I love appearing from corners! Not having everyone notice me at first so I get to observe beforehand, then jump in. I suppose this means I prefer familiarizing with the environment before joining in. Also, random gestures and ranting a lot. Another thing is I really need my alone time. Sometimes I crave companionship, and I can be rather crazy in a crowd, but when I feel like being alone, I just can't talk to anyone.

[This or That?]
Try to only choose one option rather than say both~
Shy or Outgoing? : Shy.
Hyper or Calm? : Calm, except occasionally very not.
Leader or Follower? : Preferably neither; follower if I have to choose.
Smarts or Looks? : Smarts (only because I don't have looks).
Blunt or Sugarcoater? : Blunt.
Arrogant or Modest? : Modest.
Spotlight or Behind the scenes? : Behind the scenes.
Touchy or Keep-to-self? : Keep-to-self.
Sing or Dance? : Dance.
Spacey or Attentive? : Spacey.
Realist or Idealist? : Realist.
Stingy or Generous? : Stingy.
Gentle or Sarcastic? : Sarcastic.

[In your group, you would be...]
X all the options that apply :D
[] the mother hen
[] the wacky dork
[] the tsukkomi
[] the boke
[] the smart one
[] the hot one
[] the perfect one
[] the best performer
[x] the silent type
[] the popular one
[] the leader
[x] the child
[] the organizer

[The Etcetera]
Last spurt!
What would be your theme song and why?: World's End Dance Hall, song and lyrics here. The sense of your world crashing, standing near a border of sadness and pain, so we might as well dance. On the same note, I'd like to mention 浮世踊りビト (Ukiyo Odori Bito), which is about dancing through a sad world. A very lovely song with nearly the same meaning, and the only reason it's not my first choice is because it's more focused on romance.
What kind of Johnny's group would you want your group to be?: A laid-back group that allows me to stay at ease and rest in a corner or mingle with everyone by my own choice.
What would you be most interested in as a Johnny (concerts, dramas, varietys, etc.)?: Concerts, I think. I'm not really a performer, but dramas feel too intimate, and varieties can be scary. I like music, and I think I can perform on stage if I learn how.
How would you interact with fans at a concert/fan meeting?: Awkwardly smile and continue waving while I try to avoid having to say anything. Then go 'to hell with it' and explode all over the place.

Go ahead and post some pictures if you'd like:

Obviously taken through a mirror by my old cellphone.

Any last comments?: Not my first time, but I didn't feel like it really fit so I'm trying again. Not saying what my last result was, so I'll get the chance to accept it if I get the same result.

[Your Votes]
Please post the last 3 applications you voted on- they must be current!
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