Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What is
keep_on_droolin's shoe size? im going to guess 10... something large like that
2) Are
nishiki93 and
margalo going out? haha hell no
3) What color should
oboesrule dye their hair? blue highlights for sure
4) Is
_blurredimage athletic? yeah
5) Have you ever dated
illsaxforbacon? ne!
6) What is
sexy_geek's favorite game? halo or something geeky like that
7) What planet should
sunfritz324 be from? the sun! thats not a planet is it... damn
8) Would you ever date
jhackeresq? idk...
9) If
jhackeresq took over the world, who would be happy? could be worse
10) What animal does
felix_rocker remind you of? a very sleepy cat
11) How tall is
illsaxforbacon? last time i saw him, i would say like 5 8" or so
12) If
illsaxforbacon took over the world, who would suffer? all of mankind would...
13) Is
felix_rocker related to you? no
14) If
oboesrule commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? crazy oboe players
15) Would you wrestle
felix_rocker in jello? that would definitely be awkward.. but why not
16) Would
sexy_geek be a better ninja or pirate? ninja!
17) What is
margalo's favorite movie? eeek no idea
18) How long would
sexy_geek dating
the_booz last? haha umm not long. like an hour
19) Does
sexy_geek do drugs? not that i know of , but who knows whats happening in england...
20) If
jhackeresq were hanging off a cliff, what would
ill_be_in_pink do? i reckon shed be a nice girl and help him
21) Where was
keep_on_droolin born? madison, WI
22) What word best describes
oboesrule? fizzly
23) What would
margalo think of
keep_on_droolin? i dont know what she thinks of him...
24) Is
felix_rocker a high school student? yeah
margalo's eye color? hazel i think
26) Where did you first meet
the_booz? heehee heres a good question
27) Would
felix_rocker and
sunfritz324 look good together? not horrible
28) Is
felix_rocker single? je pense que oui
29) Is
nishiki93 in a relationship? yeah
30) Does
margalo have a big secret? if she does, i dont know it
31) Thoughts on
sunfritz324? super spiffy awesome killer
32) What is
jhackeresq's biggest flaw? ever having a mullet
33) Would
keep_on_droolin go out with
_blurredimage? yeah i can see it, but it wont happen
34) What would you do if you found out
sexy_geek has a crush on you? i would be completely freaked out
35) What mental disorder does
nishiki93 remind you of? Multiple personality disorder
36) Does
ill_be_in_pink smoke? i sure hope not
37) Is
_blurredimage a nerd? a little, in a good way
38) Which president would
ill_be_in_pink be likely to idolize? wierd question
39) Is
felix_rocker your best friend? no, i really hardly know him
40) If
felix_rocker had a superpower, what would it be? reading minds
41) How long have you known
felix_rocker? i dont know, i think i was first in his class in fourth grade
42) Has
illsaxforbacon dyed their hair? no
43) Have you flirted with
sexy_geek? i generally dont flirt
44) Is
margalo popular? incredibly so
45) Is
the_booz related to
felix_rocker? now that would be odd
46) What is
jhackeresq allergic to? nothing that i know of
47) Could you see
illsaxforbacon and
sunfritz324 together? no...
margalo's hair color? i think its still sorta light brown
49) Do you think
felix_rocker is hot? not too bad
50) Is
ill_be_in_pink a college student? non
yeah this just shows how well i dont really know you all