This layout is very similar to
A Family AffairXXXII; Jesus & Judas
Heaven & Hell style
S2; Smooth Sailing
Basic & Paid
Safari, Chrome, Firefox (does not work well in IE)
works best in 1280x1024
disabled features
title, subtitle, sidebar, icons
HOW TO INSTALL if you need help installing your S2 layout, click the "how to install" link for a detailed guide on how to install any S2 layout.
install the code /*-------------------------------------------
NAME: Jesus & Judas (Heaven & Hell)
STYLE: S2 | Smooth Sailing
ACCOUNTS: basic & paid
CREDIT: apologize @ jealouss
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/*---------COMMENT PAGE-----------*/
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/*-------------ARCHIVE PAGE-------------*/
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.yearlink{padding-left:4px; padding-right: 4px;}
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/*---------------TAGS PAGE--------------*/
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/*---------TINY ICONS----------*/
/* Generated by Malionette's Tiny Icon Generator */
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side navigation links, transparent backgrounds
Additional Customization
In order to get the date like it is in the preview, you must go tothe entry text section, and for the
Format for Date and Time (Recent/Friends/Entry/Reply page) change it to this
%%mon%% %%dd%% %%yyyy%%
Additionally, you may need to adjust the margins of the entries if the layout is being used in a smaller resolution than 1280x1024. The layout will still work in small resoultions, but adjustments to the margins need to be made.
tiny icons by
brand spanking new Questions
If you have a questions, please make sure you read through all the information provided here, and the FAQ before you ask. I will not answer/help if you don't take the time out to find an answer before coming to me. Questions can be directed to the FAQ entry, please do not PM me.
HOW TO CREDIT like what you see?
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