Title: Close Call
Characters: Sam, Gene
Rating: Blue Cortina for language
Word Count: slightly under 600 words (lol sue me.)
Summary: Episode 1.06
I made the mistake of buying the 3AM Epiphany Book when I should be studying for exams, as a direct result of my ability to procrastinate here is a response to the sixth prompt.
The prompt was to write a first person plural narration from the POV of a close-knit couple. (the example was to think of a letter being written by a couple...some parts they refer to themselves "we" and at other points one person might take over the writing)
Not allowed to use the first person pronoun 'I' in the exercise but the reader should be able to discern which of the two is telling the story. 600 words.
AN:To be honest I'm not sure this has really worked but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway. *cringe*
We sit there in the room because we know we don’t have a choice.
Tyler looks resigned to his fate. There is nothing in the slump of his shoulders that even hints at hope.
Gene is uncharacteristically quiet. There is no false bravado now, only a pensive expression.
The door opens.
We exchange a look as we are led out of the room at gunpoint.
Sam is forced down to his knees first. The gun is pushed into the small of his back and though he flinches he doesn’t pause from questioning the gunman. He is stalling for time; it’s a textbook tactic and typical Tyler to be following the guidelines even now.
Gene’s eyes are honed on the janitor. There’s no gun pointed at him but from his stance it’s obvious he isn’t going to risk making a move.
Sam’s stopped talking now, finally appears to realise his words aren’t getting through.
As time passes we wait silently.
The only sound in the room is the ominous ticking.
As the gun is pressed against Sam’s temple he looks around desperately, he isn’t panicking yet but he isn’t far from it. His eyes are watering and he’s mouthing goodbye to the plonk with a faltering smile on his face.
Gene snaps, he’s shouting at Cole now, threatening him, drawing attention. His eyes flash with the promise of pain and his posture is defiant. Cole ignores him.
The seconds continue to pass.
Unwittingly we both watch the clock; we cringe as the minute hand crosses over to the twelve.
The expression on Gene’s face is unreadable.
Sam clenches his eyes shut, then a twitching grin begins to spread across his face and suddenly he’s laughing like the complete nutter he is.
We’re both powerless.
We’re both petrified.
We both realise just how fucked we are when Litton and his team storm through the door, guns blazing.
In the ensuing chaos Gene knocks Litton out and bears down menacingly on Cole. There’s a gunshot and then Gene drops. His body is soon covered from sight by Chris and Ray.
Only barely within my line of vision, the usually controlled D.I. is shouting, grabbing Litton by the collar and shaking him. The last time he was like this he smashed a man’s skull into a brick wall.
When it reaches my ears, Gene’s voice sounds hoarse but it isn’t the voice of a dead man.
Sam drops Litton and turns. He stares. He stands there trembling as though he’s seen a ghost. His lips form the word “how?” like he’s afraid his eyes might be fooling him.
The bastard is sitting there smiling. The bastard is breathing and smiling and pulling out hip flasks from pockets all over his body, and he’s alive.
At the sound of yelling we turn in unison, furious at the incompetent RCS bastards, because Cole is there pointing the gun at us again. We prepare to make a move but stop suddenly when he turns it on himself.
Then Sam is stepping towards Cole, talking in low tones, reaching out a hand.
Gene’s infuriated expression doesn’t fade until Cole surrenders the revolver.
Our day ends at the pub.
The Guv is the centre of attention. It’s not difficult to walk away and let him enjoy his moment.
Sam steps off towards the side, uncomfortable with the limelight, seemingly content to watch from the shadows. He’s probably thinking nobody will notice.
Across the crowded space our eyes meet and we share a smile.