First off! I am made of failure because I did not show you guys what my new pretty tv looks like. I apologize profusely and you may pelt me with rocks if you wish, it is!
As you can see, I was able to find an amplifier for it. It's only a 32 DB one for the time being, but I'll get a stronger one shortly...I'm just happy to have tv! 8D w00t! I can watch GG tonight!
And get to see this confrontation:
Uhm...let's see...actually, it's the Thanksgiving episode, whatever the heck the title is then when Serena tells Blair she saw her and Chuck going at it - which that re-run was on YESTERDAY and I didn't know until I turned to the last 2 minutes of it *curses* Oh wells...I'm still waiting on the box set in August, hee!
Ok! :3 So now you have seen the glory that is my new tv! Despite JT not thinking it was big. Well what did he expect? The dern thing to go from one end of the room to the other? Pfft. Lita was saying she wants a 46" which would be 10" more than what they've got currently! o.o;;;; Do it up if you want to, but noooo thanks! xp
lilwhitetigrah2 vkittydeangel, here's the game plan for Friday - whatever time you ladies want to come up, come on up. JC'll be at work until 8 p.m. that night, and I'll have to go get him since the buses don't run that day, so you might want to come up maybe between 11-12 that day and if you have any movies you think you want us to watch, you're more than welcome. I'm going to bring the tv into the living room and put it on the fireplace stump so that we can be comfortable in there. I'm thinking about doing the Domino's 4 for 4 pizza deal too. Sound good to you guys? :D Call me so we can coordinate this ok? I talked to Nyree over the weekend; I might see if she and the girls want to come up as well and then we'll just have a nice lil suaree there. Sound good? She sounded a lot better I'll tell you that much.
Speaking of friends and whatnot, I talked to our good friend Tony from NY last night - actually, he tried calling Saturday night, but I was heading to dreamland, so I hung up on him and txt'd him to call me the next night - which, ever faithful, he did. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but he's got a guy friend of his who's got a gold-digger of a woman trying to latch into him - well, she might have already have, they don't know, but anyways, he told me that the first time when they met her, he asked all of them what they thought of her and all 8 of them told him that they didn't like her. Now this time, they all received a text message from him - SUPPOSEDLY from him - saying that he needed to kick all of HIS friends to the curb. This bothered them all greatly and they got together - none of them had heard from him after they'd received the text from him - they had tried to call or whatever, and no response whatsoever. So I told Tony that either: A - she's taken his phone and hidden it, or B - he's going by her word only. I asked him if his friend was that desperate for a girlfriend that he'd choose "ho before bros" - which Tony laughed saying he'd never heard that expression before - and he told me no, but went on to say that he was really worried about him and that there was one more avenue they were going to use - his mother.
Mind you, this is a 20-something-year old grown man. I told Tony that sometimes in these sort of situations - considering I've dealt with them myself time and time again - you just need to let the person deal with it by themselves and hopefully in time they'll come around, but Tony wasn't buying that and said he did that once before and he lost a friend that way and didn't want to let that happen again.
So after we exchanged a few more words, he told me he'd call back and keep me updated on the situation once he found something out.
Ah...que sera sera.
I need to call Sev back tonight or tomorrow and figure out what's going on with her and dad about their trip to Petersburg that she was telling me about when she called me on Saturday telling me about it. What's going on now is that an aunt/cousin of ours from up that way's relative is having a birthday party and they wanted my dad and sis to come to it, but they're just figuring out when they're going to go up - either it's going to be Thursday/Friday or Friday/Saturday, I don't know. Hopefully I'll find out tonight what their absolute plans on that are. Then this weekend is still uncertain on that b/c then Lita was talking about going to the beach possibly, so this may end up being two seperate celebrations after all. *shrugs* Oh well...what are you going to do. You have good intentions, but things just don't always fall in line according to plan.
I'm really ashamed to admit this, but on Friday, while I was waiting for JC to get off, he comes over to Borders and gives me a check for his first payment of his rent. I put it in my pocket b/c I don't have my bag with me.
I've lost the damn thing somewhere in the house I'm sure. I think it's in my other pants that are like the ones I'm wearing right now, but I can't locate them right now though and I'll try and look for them tonight. I emailed him this morning about it and he calls me like maybe 2 minutes after he gets it saying he was confused. How hard is it to understand that when someone tells you just to pay them later due to their blunder that you don't have to worry about the money for the time being and just pay it later and when they find their blunder, they will shread it and from there on in, you pay in cash only and give the money to them at home - not while you're out. *snckrs*
If that made sense to any of you, I'll be surprised. Very surprised b/c I think I actually just confused myself, but wtf @_@ I've had nothing but caffeine this morning - with the interference of one breakfast sandwich - and normally I'd be bouncing off the walls with that much caffeine (I had a sweet iced tea, a sunkist and then maybe an hour later a java shake) but due to Ms. Ruby - who came in the shadows of Saturday afternoon - that's probably the only reason why I'm not. Damn hormones. *laughs* I bitched something about the stuff you have to put up being a woman yesterday when I was on my way out to somewhere, I don't know. It made me laugh for a moment.
JC was out ALL DAY yesterday and didn't get in until 11:30 almost last night. Turns out he was with his church group; they had a party, went swimming and went bowling, so...glad he had fun. He informed me this morning that he would be having an afternoon home group on Wednesday, which I told him to make sure the house was clean which means, no papers, clothes or anything like that out - although right now from my intensive cleaning session yesterday, I've got the tv box, my old computer, printer and keyboard and mouse in the middle of the living room floor in which I need to throw them all out. I threw out the slats and the feet of the old bed I used to have yesterday. I don't know where the heck to put that tv box; it's too big to go into either of the closets so I'll just have to tuck it into one of the corners of the room somewhere. Ah, whatever.
He probably doesn't think I heard him from last night, but I was about maybe only halfway asleep when he crawled into bed and I heard him say "my beautiful girl..."
He acts like a pervert and all around man half the time, but he does have his sweet side.
Speaking of whom, he just called and said since I prolonged the rent, he'll use the money to get a wireless or an infrared mouse. I knew he'd get tired of that fingerpad. That thing is annoying as hell!
Anyways, I think I've blatherscythed enough. Back to the work load for me and thank jeebus, it's finally cooled off in here.
OH! And one last thing...I've updated my profile and my userpics if anyone's curious...kukuku...
I forgot a couple other things - the "north wind" emailed Lita 2x on Friday; one email she started hard fussing about I don't know what and then emailed her again telling her to have a good weekend. Good grief! She is way beyond sometime-ish! *sighs*
Damnit...there was something else I wanted to tell you all, but it seems to have escaped my mind for the time being. Oh well...
NO! Now I remember what it was about. JC was telling me that he heard from one of his other friends in Houston about one of the girls that he knew who was attending a BAPTIST COLLEGE that got kicked out because she was discovered having premarital sex in her dorm room and her boyfriend is under arrest for trespassing; not to mention that that sort of thing goes on your record and whatnot for life. JC said that she wants to teach at Christian Schools and whatnot and he said she's probably going to have to find another line of work because that one incident ruined it for her; then I went on to tell him about a similar incident that happened when I was in a Christian school here where one of the teachers - a science teacher - got fired for talking about sex around the other teachers. They take that sort of thing VERY SERIOUSLY because she was an unmarried woman for one thing and premarital sex to some religions especially is a big no-no, (and to be frank, Southern Baptists are very scary anyways) so...and I told her they are VERY, VERY strict on certain rules and whatnot when it comes to the doctrate (sorry if the spelling is wrong) of the church and whatnot and what sort of image you should have as a teacher, and the same goes for anyone who is a student in that sort of school. I told him I felt sorry for his friend, but she really should've thought things through better before taking that sort of irresponsible action.