From moe_moyashi

Jul 02, 2008 23:31

From my bud moe_moyashi ^~*

-Bold/Underline what's true.
-Leave plain what's false.
-Add one of your own at the end.

001. I miss somebody right now.
002. I watch more tv than I used to.
003. I love olives.
004. I love sleeping.
005. I own a home.
006. I wear glasses or contact lenses.
007. I love to play video games.
008. I've done something illegal.
009. I've watched porn movies.
010. I have been in a threesome.
011. I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
012. I like my handwriting.
013. I have acne-free skin.
014. I like and respect Al Sharpton.
015. I curse frequently.
016. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
017. I have a hobby.
018. I've been to another country.
019. I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
020. I'm really, really smart.
021. I've never broken anyone else's bones.
022. I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.
023. I love rain.
024. I'm paranoid at times.
025. I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
026. I need money right now.
027. I love sushi.
028. I talk really, really fast sometimes.
029. I have fresh breath in the morning.
030. I have semi-long hair.
031. I have lost money in Las Vegas.
032. I have at least one brother and/or sister.
033. I was born in a country outside of the U.S.
034. I shave my legs.
035. I have a twin.
036. I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.
037. I like the way that I look.
038. I have lied to a good friend in the past 6 months.
039. I know how to do cornrows.
040. I am usually pessimistic.
041. I have mood swings.
042. I think prostitution should be legalized.
043. I think Britney Spears is pretty.
044. I have cheated on a significant other.
045. I have a hidden talent.
046. I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
047. I've been sexually intimate with fewer than ten people.
048. I am currently single.
049. I have kissed someone of the same sex.
050. I enjoy talking on the phone.
051. I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
052. I love to shop.
053. I would rather shop than eat.
054. I would classify myself as ghetto.
055. I'm bourgeoisie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders.
056. I'm obsessed with my LJ, blog, etc.
057. I don't hate anyone.
058. I'm a pretty good dancer.
059. I don't think Mike Tyson raped Desiree Washington.
060. I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
061. I have a cell phone.
062. I watch MTV on a daily basis.
063. I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
064. I have never been in a real relationship before.
065. I've rejected someone before.
066. I currently have a crush on someone.
067. I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
068. I want to have children in the future.
069. I have changed a diaper before.
070. I've had the cops called on me before.
071. I bite my nails.
072. I am a member of the Tom Green fan club.
073. I'm not allergic to anything deadly.
074. I have a lot to learn.
075. I have dated someone at least 10 years older or younger.
076. I plan on seeing Ice Cube's newest "Friday" movie.
077. I am very shy around the opposite sex.
078. I'm online 24/7, even as an away message.
079. I have at least 5 away messages saved.
080. I have been rejected by someone.
081. I have made a move on a friend's significant other in the past.
082. I own the "SOUTH PARK" movie.
083. I have avoided work to play on LJ/blog.
084. When I was a kid I played "the birds and the bees" with a neighbor or chum.
085. I enjoy country music.
086. I love my best friends.
087. I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
088. I watch soap operas whenever I can.
089. I'm obsessive, anal retentive, and often a perfectionist.
090. I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
091. I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
092. I know all the words to Slick Rick's "Children's Story".
093. Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
094. I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it.
095. I have dated a close friend's ex.
096. I'm happy as of this moment.
097. I have gone scuba diving.
098. I've had a crush on somebody I have never met.
099. I've kissed someone I knew I shouldn't.
100. I play a musical instrument.
101. I strongly dislike math.
102. I'm procrastinating on something right now.
103. I own and use a library card.
104. I fall in "lust" more than in "love."
105. Cheese enchiladas rock my socks.
106. I think The Lord of the Rings is one of the greatest things ever.
107. I'm obsessed with the tv show "The O.C."
108. I am resentful that I have to grow up.
109. I am an entirely different person around different people.
110. I think the world would be a better place if people just smiled more often.
111. I think Ramen is one of the best foods in the whole world.
112. I am suffering of a broken heart.
113. I am a nerd.
114. No matter where I am or who I'm with, I always seem to be lonely.
115. I am left handed and proud of it.
116. I try not to change who I am for someone.
117. My heart resides below my feet.
118. I have had sex with someone I was not in a relationship with.
119. I enjoy smoothies.
120. I have had major surgery.
121. I have adopted a pet from the SPCA.
122. I am listening to Radiohead right now.
123. Some people call me by a nickname.
124. I once stole a music stand.
125. I like pumpkin pie.
126. I love NASCAR!
127. I own over 200 CDs.
128. I work 7 days a week.
129. I have mono.
130. I don't have the ability to make decisions without changing my mind.
131. People tell me I have a horrible sense of humor.
132. I'm still in my PJs.
133. I'm looking for love in all the wrong places.
134. I have a tendency to fall for the wrong men/women, or have them fall for me, so I can't help but reciprocate.
135. I'll try anything three times.
136. I've done drugs other than alcohol or cigarettes.
137. I'm having trouble sleeping.
138. I am a cuddler.
139. I like John Waters films.
140. I have made a pornographic videotape.
141. Sloth is my favorite deadly sin.
142. One of my boobs is bigger than the other though not noticed by others.
143. I know all the words to the "Firefly" theme song.
144. I am abnormally obsessed with all things Buffy/Angel.
145. I love comfort food.
146. I'm a right-winged conservative Christian, and proud of it.
147. I'm Catholic.
148. I can walk a mile without feeling like I'm going to die over.
149. I am a college student.
150. I like to cook.
151. I hate vacuuming with a passion.
152. I'm addicted to photography and picture frames.
153. I have performed in the Rocky Horror Picture show.
154. I generally get along with my parents.
155. I like Shakespeare.
156. I like to sing.
157. I'll take the Pepsi Challenge any day, and STILL pick Coke!
158. I have things that I want to say to people, but I won't/can't because I don't want to hurt/be hurt by them.
159. I'm not "mainstream" when it comes to religion.
160. I've counted down the days until the summer.
161. I've fulfilled someone's dare at a party or gathering.
162. I challenge people to duels, and when I do, I mean it.
163. I was pigeon-toed at one point in my life.
164. I love Digimon and wear goggles to school.
165. I have been to an anime convention.
166. I constantly have my head in the clouds daydreaming.
167. I am addicted to roleplaying.
168. I was in labor for 30 hours with no pain medication.
169. I own more than three items of vinyl clothing.
170. I read hardcore Christian Bible Tracts because I think they're funny.
171. I hate to drive.
172. I'm unemployed but would rather sit on my butt and play video games than look for a job.
173. I come from a southern, highly religious family and have chosen to keep a major part of my life secret from my family for now.
174. I have a serious taste for older men/women.
175. I had a happy childhood.
176. I have an unhealthy obsession with certain child actors.
177. I am an only child.
178. I have more than five different lotions on my desk right now.
179. I have a more active online social life than IRL.
180. Sometimes, I actually like my job.
181. I love animals, and have had at least one pet.
182. I love writing letters.
183. I haven't had sex with a lot of people, but I've had a really wide range of sexual experiences with those few.
184. I don't bleed, I percolate.
185. I sleep the entire day but am awake all night long.
186. My two children were born in the same month.
187. I like the taste of blood.
188. I do not know how to swim.
189. I know how to shoot a gun.
190. I am currently pregnant with my first baby.
191. I flew to another state when I was underage without asking/telling my parents.
192. I've experienced natural childbirth.
193. I am a HUGE "Sex and the City" fan.
194. I am currently experiencing physical pain.
195. I've lost time at work this week because my car was encased in an ice flow.
196. I'm looking for a new job that I actually like.
197. I am OCD about at least one thing.
198. I have a child named after a fictional or mythological character.
199. I have a pet named after a fictional or mythological character.
200. I have been paid money for my art.
201. I never ever tan.
202. I have overcome at least one long-standing fear.
203. I have tattoos.
204. I need to take a shower.
205. I like to eat cool whip right out of the freezer.
206. I have a test in school tomorrow.
207. I am currently having an online conversation with a friend.
208. I'd love to live somewhere year-round that receives little or no snow.
209. Reading books is one of the greatest joys in my life.
210. I am a huge sports fan.
211. I have or have had a mohawk.
212. In general, I spend money on music and books before clothing and food.
213. I am in or am joining a Greek organization.
214. I have written fiction of over 42,000 words in length.
215. I have been on three or more continents.
216. I have a pretty good tolerance for pain.
217. I have an entirely irrational fear of bugs.
218. I once made out with my cousin.
219. I am more afraid of being embarrassed than death.
220. I can do the Hare Hare Yukai.
221. I obsess a lot over fictional characters/universes.
222. I believe Pat Benatar would be beat by Peter Murphy in a shimmy contest.
223. I have NO IDEA why I did this meme.
224. I like Ramen w. Ranch Dressing! 8D

1. Whats your first & middle name?
Glenda Jean

2. Where are you right now?
My apartment

3. What is your natural hair color?

4. Is it high-lighted/dyed (if so what color)?

5. How tall are you?

6. Have any piercings?
2 (single in each ear)

Things you like

7. Do you like the band HIM?
What the heck is that? 0.o''''

8. How about The Beatles?
not really

9. Metallica?

10. Do you like to play any instruments?
I used to know how to play the piano and clarinet, but years of non-practice have made me lose my abilities in both ;-;

11. Do you like your neighbor's dog?
...I've seen dogs out here, but I don't know any of my neighbors I'm afraid

12. Do you like to party?
I'm really not a party person >> <<;;;;

Have you ever...

13. Sat on a fence and fell over?
...what dumbass in the world could do that?!

14. Ran into a pole (if so where)?
...>> <<;;;; *whistles innocently*

15. Got in a fight with a black guy?
vocal? ^^;;;

16. Jumped off a trampoline and hurt yourself?
Nope! ^-^v

17. Kissed a fish?
*twitch twitch* once again...WHAT DUMBASS WOULD SO SUCH A FUCKTARDED THING?!?!?! >.<;;;;

18. Remade a stunt off Jackass and did it at home?
Screw jackass!

19. Sat on top off a rooftop?
...not that I recall

20. Played outside during a lightning storm?
Ay ya...

21. Jumped off a tree?
I don't even climb trees not much less jump off of them!!!

22. Jumped off a moving car?
Only fools jump off! And not one of them :p

23. Laughed so hard you couldn't breathe?
oh god! Many MANY times thanks to either my two best friends or my silly younger cousin

24. Acted like a retard in public?
depends on the location, time, and whom I'm with...

25. Went up to a stranger and asked them for their number?
...who do you think you're talking to?

26. Went up to a stranger and just talked to them?
Umm...never? I let people talk to me

27. Got punched in the face?

Last Time

28. When was the last time you got a bloody lip?'s been a while

29. What was the last dumbest thing you did?
Hmm....that's a good one

30. Who was the last person you just got done talking with?

31. Who was the last person you hugged?
One of my coworkers

32. Who was the last person you pissed off?
My supervisor

33. Last person who pissed you off (why?)?
My supervisor

34: Last thing you drank?
Coffee which I'm drinking now

35. Last word(s) you said to your sibling?
'See you Sunday'

36. Last illegal thing you ever did?
I stay the straight and narrow thanks much...

37. When was the last time you cried?
A couple of days ago over a movie

38. When was the last alcoholic drink you had?

39. Last concert you went to (did you like it?)?
Shania Twain and HELL YES!!! 8D


40. Goo Goo Dolls or Elton John?
Neither! :p

41. 50 cent or Lil John?

42. Led Zepplin or Creed?

43. The Beatles or The Killers?

44. Micheal Jackson or Micheal Jackson?

45. Guns n' Roses or System of a Down?

46. Avenged Sevenfold or Three Days Grace?

47. Killy Kopper or Johnny Rocket?

48. What musical instrument can you play?
None now

49. What's was the last song you heard?
...I forgot

50. Ever heard the song "Chop Suey" by System of a Down?

51. Last song you headbanged to?

52. Ever been in a mosh pit?
Have you lost your mind?!?!

53. Have you ever done anything dumb at a concert?
No way :x

54. Do you know who Jacoby Shaddix is?
...whut? .----.

55. Best drummer ever?
...uhm...I don't know any?

56. Best guitarest ever?
Repeat #55 answer

57. Best singer?
There's a lot of GOOD singers out there, but I don't know of any BEST ones...

58. Now what's your favorite band?
I have a couple...uhm...Chicago, Def Leppard, Linkin Park

Random things

59. Worst thing a person ever did to wake you up?
tickle me

60. Do you skateboard?
Not currently; only when I was a kid

61. Snowboard?
Heck no! xp Never will either...

62. Hockey?
w*4p(U4u#$Ouri!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even ice skate! >.<;;;;

63. Can you do the splits?
Heck no. They hurrrrtttttt! ~.~ That's probably why I never resigned to go back to Karate...

64. Can you do back flips off trees?
Do I look ninja to you asswiping fucktard?!

65. Ever cussed a teacher out?
No way! I wanted to leave school in an HONORABLE manner

66. Gayest thing you ever did at school?
Never did

67. Have you ever gone 125 mph. at night in a car before (if so where?) ?
Holy hell no! :O

68. What's your thoughts about Jillyhecks?
ok...what crack are you smokin?

69. Can you play piano?
Used to u_u Kinda miss it...

70. What's your favorite board game?
Um...don't have one ^^;;;

72. Do you like lamps?
^-^ Sure! They're cute!

73. What's your favorite color?
purple, silver

74. Do you like the guys in those black guy videos?
...that didn't make a damn bit of sense

75. What's your favorite movie? too damn many! XD

76. Are you single?

77. Do you like your family?
Yeah :p Their ups n downs...I'm stuck w em ^^

78. Look like anybody in your family?
I've been told I look like my dad

79. Do you think anyone has read this entire post?
Ano...*raises hand*

80. Do you think anyone will post it with their answers?
Hopefully? :D If they love me they will

1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, Winamp, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.

• If someone says "Is this okay?" you say,

"Happy Everyday" - Umebori/Martin [I guess that would be a 'yes']

• How would you describe yourself?

"Put Your Faith In Me" - Amy Studt [This is the exact OPPOSITE of how I describe myself...or how I uphold myself]

• What do you like in a guy/girl?

"Koi no Michishirube" - Masanori Takumi [...I have no comment for this]

• How do you feel today?

"Curse of Darkness" - Sound Duel 1 (Orig. YGO) [That is a perfect description .____.]

• What is your life's purpose?

"See you, my best love" - Move [...uhm...]

• What is your motto?

"Picnic" - Gumi [ where's really close to what my actual motto is...]

• What do your friends think of you?

"Love & Money" - Za Za [D: You guys REALLY don't think of me like that do you?]

• What do you think of your parents?

"Don't Make Me A Shrew" - Ranma Game Music [*LOLS* My parents weren't shrews so...]

• What do you think about very often?

"Everytime We Touch" - Cascada [Mm...this isn't exactly false ^^;;;]

• What is 2 + 2?

"That's the Way (I Like It) - KC & The Sunshine Band) [*ROFLMAO* XDDDDD]

• What do you think of your best friend?

"In My Eyes" - Midihead

• What do you think of the person you like?

"Anata to Ireba" - Sakura, Junko

• What is your life story?

"Make This Go On Forever" - Snow Patrol

• What do you want to be when you grow up?

"Take Me Baby" - Mickey B

• What do you think of when you see the person you like?

"Otome no Policy" (Jazz Instrumental) - KT & The Moonlight Band

• What will you dance to at your wedding?

"It's A Test" - Yugioh GX [*LOLS* XD I thought the test was the dating stage, not the marriage one...]

• What will they play at your funeral?

"Memory of Atrocity" - Yugioh GX [*LOLS* Gosh...I hope I won't be remembered as an atrocity! 0.O]

• What is your hobby/interest?

"Skulk" - Echo Image

• What is your biggest fear?

"Can't Take That Away" - Mariah Carey

• What is your biggest secret?

"Kibou e no Ashita" - PGSM

• What do you think of your friends?


• What will you post this as?

"The Winds" - Yugioh Duel 1

It's Thursday at noon. Where are you usually?:

Which shampoo is in your bathroom right now?:

What are you listening to right now?:
Ranma 1/2 Ep 146 - Cradle From Hell

Do you watch MTV anymore?:
Nah. No Cable

How do you feel about your hair?:
It depends on the day, time and mood for me to answer that question; like right now I suppose I like it...

What DVD is in your player right now?:

What side of the bed do you sleep on?:
The left side.

Do you like roller coasters?:

What do your parents look like?:
My mom is dust and my dad is very youthful for his 65 years...^-^ He even has all of his hair and very little of it is gray!

What are your plans for Friday?:
Friends over for Pizza & Movies

Have you ever sat all the way through Gone With The Wind?:
Haven't even read the book...

When was the last time you were up all night?:
*cough* >> <<;;; can I get back to you on that?

Do you ever think about the price of gasoline?:
Oh lord I try not's frustrating and depressing all at the same time

What is the best thing about winter?:
Hot cocoa! 8D

How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?:
When I need to so I don't make an ass out of myself or if I've said it before - I hate to repeat myself

Are you currently planning a trip?:
Heck no

Do you know how to play chess?:

What's on your mind right now?:
Getting tomorrow over with already!

Do you want to take something back that happened in the last week?:

Do you eat a lot of fast food?:

Were you happy when you woke up today?:

What was the last movie you saw in theaters?:

Do you eat candy on a daily basis?:

Does it make you happy to get letters?:
As long as they're not BILL or JUNK letters...sure

Walking into a party, what's the first thing you notice?:
The setup of the room

Would you rather have chicken or steak?:
Chicken; I can't stand steak >.<;;;

Who was the last person you took a picture of?:
My cousin JT

Would you ever donate blood?:
I have

Are there deer heads covering any walls in your house?:
EWW! Those things are scarie! o.o;;;;

Have you ever been asked out?:

Have you ever driven without a license?:
N - oops, lemme not lie. I did a couple of times...>> <<;;; but I swear it was an emergency! :O

Do you wish you had smaller feet?:
Yush D:

Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?:
Yep! :D

When ordering sushi, what do you get?:
I don't eat sushi

Do you write in cursive or in print?:
Both ^^

Who was the last person you sat next to?: of my coworkers

What were you doing at 10am?:

Are you different now than you were six months ago?:

Was yesterday better than today?:

What month is your birthday in?:

Can you live a day without TV?:
Sure can!

When was the last time you saw your dad?:

How many pets do you have?:

How many houses have you lived in?:

How many city/towns have you lived in?:

Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet?:

Do you like coffee?:

Do you like iced tea?:
Hai! But it must be more tea than water and more sweet than lemon

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?:
Subordination to my supervisor

Do you know how to play poker?:

What were you doing at twelve last night?:

Do you smile a lot?:
When the emotion calls for it

Do you like flying or driving?:
Uhm...driving seems a bit more viable right now

Do you know how to drive a stick shift?:

Do you wear any jewelry daily?:

Who got you the jewelry you are currently wearing?:
Store bought

Who is the funniest person you know?:
I have no idea

How often do you remember your dreams?:
When they allow me to? 8D

What is your ringtone?:
It's a pretty catch tune w/ vibrations called "No Stop"

Skim, 1%, 2%, or whole milk?:
I prefer 2% out of all of them really...

Are you mad about anything?:
Yes...a few things actually

What time did you go to sleep last night?:
Around maybe 10:30 or so...

RULES: Go to urbandictionary. com and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write a definition it gives you...

1) Your name?

My Answer: Jean

Site Answer: (there's 2 defintions to this)

a: Jean is an item of clothing for a person with one leg

b: a name that means your parents must have really hated yo ass and named you after a pair of clothings

2) How old are you?

My Answer: 31

Site Answer: (there's 3 definitions to this)

a: turkish symbol for masturbation
- 3 is the hand
- 1 is the cock

b: The number that comes after 30.

C: Halloween Shot. A way to kill yourself with 2 guns making a 31 degree angle.

3) One of your friends?

My Answer: Angela

Site Answer: (there's 3 definitions to this)

a: A desired human being who often pwns noobs at various video games including Dance Dance Revolution. Angela's also generally posses a large rear end. This rear end can be referred to as Laquisha.

b: *LOLS* I think I like this one the best actually - Sex is a sensation
Caused by a temptation
when a guy sticks his location
in a girls destination
is that a good explanation
or do you need a demonstration!!??

c: Gothic Vampiress of small stature from Central Europe last seen around the time of Charlemagne -780 AD. Was known to drink excessively and when available was found sniffing "Butt", a locally found glue derivative.

4) What Should You Be Doing?

My Answer: Sleeping

Site Answer: (3 definitions)

a: To masturbate furiously in your room while praying that your grandma doesn't come in. (GET OUT GRANDMA! I was sleeping.
Those were sleeping noises grandma.)

b: a mystical kind of magic which sends u to an alternate plane of existence in which the magical gremlins give u pro plus

C: Gaining one's confidence and luring them into a desired area to kill or beat them because of something they have done.

5) Favorite Food?

My Answer: Cheesecake

Site Answer: (3 definitions)

a: A freakin' tasty desert. I could go for one right now...

b1: A dessert pie with filling made from soft cheese such as ricotta, Philadelphia or farmer's cheese. Commonly lemon or vanilla flavored, baked without top crust and often topped with fruit. (Technically a pie, not a cake, since it is unleavened and contains little or no flour)

b2: A genre of glamour photography and poster art made popular in wartime pin-ups of the 1940's, often featuring modest poses by movie starlets displaying lots of leg but little explicit nudity. So called because of the resemblance of a stocking-clad female thigh to the layers of a cheesecake dessert.

b3: (Hence) Any pictures, modeling, posing or shooting for glamour photography or softcore porn.

b4: (From above) Anything that is soft, sweet and enjoyable.

c: a secret organization of radiohead related compilations. extremely secretive. very hard to find. only an elite few are allowed in. is sometimes used as an inside joke between one cheesecaker and the other.

6) Hometown?

My Answer: Raleigh

Site Answer:
a boring little town full of suburbs. dont go there. go somewhere more dangerous like durham or winston salem. you might actually stay awake there. raleigh is full of preps too. people dont like white trash, but id rather be with a whole bunch of beer chuggin mullet wearers than the ibm engineer folks who flooded this town anyday. the white trash here is pretty open minded actually and fun. FUN!

7) Word to describe yourself?

My Answer: Trip

Site Answer:

1. A noun that refers to a single complete experience of using acid (LSD, which is a powerful hallucinogenic drug), or any other powerful hallucinogenic drug.

2. Can be used fuguratively in a way that is very often used to describe things that are crazy, chaotic, cool, or ,esp., figuratively capable of inducing hallucinations.

3. Also in adjective form the word is trippy.

8) Car you drive?

My Answer: Chevy< /font>

Site Answer: Honda killer.

9) Last person you talked to?

My Answer: Roommate

Site Answer: The reason I'm not getting any sleep right now.

10) Next place you are planning on visiting?

My Answer: Florida

Site Answer: America's wang

11) What color is your hair?

My Answer: Black

Site Answer:

1. Adj. To be extremely skilled or talented

2. V. To completely dominate any task with efficiency and determination; to own.

12) What kind of phone do you have?

My Answer: Samsung

Sites Answer: one who helps us come

13) Where do you work ?

My Answer: Customer Service

Site Answer: A job which causes your anus to hurt because you've been bending over backward and taking it from whiny, complaining, bratty, idiots all freaking day long.

meme: miscellany 2, meme: urbandictionary, meme: miscellany 1, meme: true/false, meme: music answers

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