I think, on the whole, I liked this episode. But… And I’m not quite able yet to place what the “but…” is, though I’ve been thinking about it quite often since watching the episode yesterday. Gareth Roberts tends to write very solid episodes, though, which this one definitely was.
In all honesty, though, I’ve reached the point where, even if the episode was absolute rubbish, I would have enjoyed it simply for Capaldi. There are whole series that I don’t rewatch simply because I’m not that big of a fan of that particular Doctor and companions and why put myself through that again?, but I’ve watched all of the episodes of this series twice already, and that all comes down to what a joy it is to watch Capaldi’s Doctor. He just really, really works for me. At the rate he’s going? Yeah, he’ll definitely be one of my favorite Doctors by the time this series is over.
Also: “He’s... your dad. Your space dad.” Yeah, I just about lost it at that.
(I am, I will admit, slightly upset that they spent the whole episode at Coal Hill, and there was no mention of Ian. There was possibly a Barbara mention, but it is hazy. Also, Doctor, the Brig was a soldier who became a maths teacher. :| )