So, I can say, without hesitation, that I enjoyed this one. Capaldi is just amazing, isn’t he? Jelly babies (in a cigarette box!) aside, there was that one moment where he sounded so much like Four that it made me so very happy. And Four isn’t even at the top of my list of favorite Doctors! I also liked the Doctor’s speech at the end on the beach, about how sometimes, the only choices you have are bad ones, but you still have to choose. But at the same time, I dislike the necessity of it because it’s outright stating something that’s so obvious, you know? There’s also his line about how “people with guns to their heads cannot mourn,” which can practically be Twelve’s motto at this point, and one of the things I’ve actually really liked about this version of the Doctor.
But Clara. Clara, Clara, Clara. At this point, I’m pretty much going to have to go with Clara’s characterization. When she lies at the end about why she said she wanted to stop traveling with the Doctor, I pretty much threw up my hands in the air and went, “oh my god Clara, you need to stop lying and take some responsibility for the decisions you make!” Oh Clara. You and your lying is not going to end well with Danny, is it?
Also, given what a huge Whovian Frank Skinner is, I can’t help but believe that he was crying inside when Perkins turned down traveling in the TARDIS with the Doctor. (Btw, I love various comments I’ve seen elsewhere saying that Perkins is obviously Drax.)
(On a total aside, I watch DW nowadays with one of my younger cousins. Younger cousin got into the show with Matt Smith, Eleven is her Doctor, and she’s a huge Eleven/Clara shipper. She wanted to cry everytime she thought of Eleven regenerating, wasn’t sure what to think about Peter Capaldi when he first got the role, and shipping someone so old-looking with someone so young? Not so much. Now? Just about every episode we watch together, she makes a comment about how much Twelve is in love with Clara. Just this episode, during their scene together in the TARDIS at the end, she gave off another, “omigod, he’s so in love with her!” Yeah, that whole no romance angle is really working with her, haha.)