Let me start off by saying:
I feel like I've been waiting all this season for an episode to really, really like. And I finally got it!! Its so much fun to love an episode without reservation.
I know I have a reputation, which is well earned, of being a hard ass when it comes to SV. I know I'm critical, and unyielding. Believe me, I have no illusions about myself (and make no apologies). This is just the way I roll. However, an episode like this is exactly why I'm like that. Why should I settle for the mediocrity of episodes like Isis and Harvest, or the all out FAIL of Supergirl, when they can make an episode like Ambush? Why should I make do with an underwritten Clark, when this episode proves that they CAN write a strong, mature Clark with a well articulated POV? Why should I need to wank what he's thinking and feeling when this episode proves that Clark is fully capable of explaining that himself, on screen? Why should I be happy with an episode thats only able to get one aspect of the story right, when this episode proves that they are capable of achieving balance in a episode?
If they can write Clark this well, and find ways to focus on multiple facets of his life simultaneously, why shouldn't I expect them to be able to do that more often then not?
The answer for me is...I shouldn't. I won't.
But, more about that in the review, lets get to the totals
Ambush, running time 41m, 36s
Clark: 22m, 35s
Lois: 17m, 1a
Oliver: 8m, 43s
Tess: 6m, 17s
General Lane: 13m, 41s
Lucy Lane: 10m, 5s
I didn't time Rick Flag's screentime because I haven't done it for any of his other episodes. And now I feel like I need to go back and do that, because it appears he is going to be a recurring presence (and thats GOOD news!)
Totals to Date (# of eps):
Clark: 157m, 59s (7)
Lois: 123m, 27s(7)
Oliver: 46m, 35s (6)
Tess: 42m, 36s (5)
So, anyone else get chills when Clark addressed the General as "Sam"? Loved it!
In fact, I loved this whole episode. Soup to nuts. When it was over, me and my sister turned to each other, and both said in delighted surprise "that was a damned good episode". Its the same way I felt after Salvation.
And usually, even with episodes I like, I'll still find a few minor quibbles here and there to discuss, and I'm not sure I could even do that with this episode. Oh, maybe Oliver whining about Chloe again, though everytime he starts talking about Chloe, I hear the adults in the Peanuts cartoons. So, it hardly seems worth mentioning.
I've always believed that the key ingredient to any really great SV episode is the writing for Clark. You write a Clark that comes across as strong, and confident, and smart, and heroic...and throw in romantic for this episode....and you've laid the foundation for a good episode. You don't start there? And the episode is already being built on shaky ground.
And as well as Clark was written this episode (easily the best writing for him this season), so too was every other character playing a prominent role in the episode. All the characters felt real, and true to themselves. Every single character got their moment of glory too. OK, maybe not Lucy, but I'd still say the writing for her was bang-on.
Doing a mental checklist of the scenes in this episode, I can't think of a single one that didn't seem to work. I can't think of anything I'd remove, or anything I feel like we were deprived of seeing. The direction and editing of this episode was crisp and seamless. Again, I can't help comparing it to the amatuerish, plodding direction of last weeks Harvest, where scenes seem to drag endlessly. In this episode, the pacing was so much quicker, and I think it really helped the flow of the episode. The hour flew by.
Personally, I think a couple that never fights is not a believable couple. So, I was glad to see Clark and Lois get into it a bit. I have to say, I was Team Clark all the way. Its one thing to expect your significant other to put up with your parents. Its another thing to expect them to be belittled and abused, and not stick up for themselves, But even having said that, I do understand Lois' position. Family dynamics are tough, and its clear from the amount of times Lois has mentioned her father that he's loomed large in her life, and influenced her decisions. It was uncomfortable to see her becoming so passive around him, and yet, I found it very believable. And I was very glad that Clark stood his ground. Lois wasn't being true to herself, and he called her on it. Unlike the General, Clark didn't give her an ultimatum, him or her father. Instead, he was challenging Lois to be true and loyal to herself, and her own beliefs. And see, that makes a relationship feel real, and mature, and true. And boy, it was nice for this Clark fan to watch him in a conflict with a female where he stands his ground, and doesn't just let them rip on him. Its happened before, but its rare. On the flipside, it was nice to see Lois not fly off the handle about Lucy's kissing ambush. Compare that to last seasons Escape, when Lois was supposed to really think Clark and Chloe decided to get naked in a shower together?.
And not only were the Clark/Lois/Lane's dynamics written very well, so were the characters of Tess, and even Oliver. OMG, I can't believe I'm admitting that Oliver was...sorta, kinda...not loathesome in this episode. At first, I found his attitude towards Tess to be annoying and abrasive. But I liked that the writing in the episode didn't seem to be suggesting that Oliver's attitude was OK. First we saw him quickly rebuffed by Clark, who defended Tess' contributions thus far (LOVED that so, so much!). And later, Tess herself was willing to tread carefully around Oliver, yet make it clear that Oliver was going to need to find a way to get the hell over it. I'm OK with Oliver being a jerk as long as 1. the people around him give it back to him, and 2. he comes around at the end, and realizes he was wrong, and makes amends. Which is what he did.
I also have to say that Oliver realizing he's going to need to stay away from Watchtower was one of his more selfless, clear thinking decisions ever. It was a real moment for him. I wish this guy could show up more often.
Tess continues to be awesome, but thats hardly breaking news ;)
Also going for this episode were terrific guest stars. IRONSIDE! What can you say about IRONSIDE!? I love the guy in just about anything he does. And he did such a great job with this role. For me, one of the strongest scenes in the episode was the last scene between him and Clark. How can someone watch the episode, and not feel for the man? I loved that he was able to share his life experiances with Clark. So often on this show, scenes like this come off as heavy handed, and you feel like a 5 ton anvil is falling on your head. But there was a subtle touch to this dialogue. Clark is able to take something away for himself in hearing the General share about his own life.
And does the General knows that Clark is The Blur? Upon a rewatch, I'm leaning towards yes. This is a very smart man, and I think the hints he dropped were very purposeful.
As for Lucy, first of all, Peyton List is just lovely, isn't she? And her and Erica actually look like sisters. As one of 4 girls, I always appreciate the complicated intricacies of sisterhood. It seems clear to me that Lois and Lucy were brought up in a very competitive environment, both of them constantly vying for theattention of their father. Lucy kissing Clark in the loft feeds into that. Everything is a competition for the Lane girls, or was. Lois seems to be maturing out of that. But Lucy? Well, as the younger sister, it seems like it might take her a bit longer. I thought every note between Lois and Lucy rung true. Their conflict, and their resolution.
And can I talk about Rick Flag here for a minute? Because I think I might seriously be in love with Ted Whitall. Wow, what this guy is doing with a small supporting role is impressive!! So far, every single actor connected to SV's suicide squad has been really, really good. Even the phasing guy in this episode, who didn't have a tremendous amount to do, made a big impression. I have to admit, I'm far more invested in this part of the storyline then I am the Darkseid stuff. I hope it doesn't sort of fizzle out the way Checkmate seemed to last season.
Clark and Lois in the beginning? Cute, and sexy, and playful. This, to me, fits them much better then a room full of candles. I like sexy Clark. A lot!
Hmmm, what else to say. I feel like I'm just gushing about the episode, but this happens so rarely for me, I sort of want to roll around it, and cover myself in the happy.
Oh, can't end this review without mentioning how much Tom Welliing ROCKED DA HOUSE!!! See, again, I can't help but compare him here to the befuddled disconnected performance of last week. Tom was right on in every single one of his scenes. It convinces me that, without a doubt, give this man a decent script, and he is every inch the future Superman.
Really though, kudos all over, because every single actor was great.
Well done Whitehead/Henderson, and Chris Petry. Take a bow.