OK, is it just me, or is anyone else having an issue with twitter? I didn't realize how addicted I was to it until I couldn't access it. I'm not even getting a Fail Whale, it just won't load any tweets.
Now, onto tonights Glee
Honestly, I don't think I've enjoyed an episode of Glee this much in....well, I don't know when. And it wasn't really about the songs, which were fun, and fine, but nothing spectacular. I just liked the flow of this episode. Unlike last weeks St Kurt episode, this one seemed to have a better handle on the Kurt stuff, and I liked that he didn't automatically fit in at the new school. Rachel, although irksome, felt more like herself then she has for a very long time. Whether I like Rachel, or not (and I don't), *this* is pretty much what she's supposed to be. Neurotic, selfish, but also desperately seeking affection and approval. And while I generally think Finn is a douche, here I was with him. He shouldn't have lied about Santana, but the reality was that him and Rachel were not a couple at that time. And what Rachel did to get back at him was particularly mean. But hey, good for Puck that he was the one to pull back, and realize he didn't want to be that jerk again. Quinn and Sam continue to be adorable (though I HATE that Quinn and Puck have no interaction). And I found the Artie/Brittany stuff rather charming.
And the biggest shock in the episode for me? Emma. I sort of LOVED her in this episode. Her counseling session with Finn and Rachel was actually funny. I love that she's honest with Carl, and that she didn't go to sectionals to support Will. She was kinda awesome. And I totally didn't see the marriage coming.
At first, I though Will was being a bit self-serving by taking Emma's suggestion to spread the wealth around, solo-wise. Like he was just agreeing to it to impress her. But as the episode went by, I got behind him. I liked that he wasn't taking any shit this week. And I liked that he stood behind his decisions.
And Darren Criss continues to be very adorable.
And solo's from Sam/Quinn, Santana, and then Mercedes/Tina? Yes please! Throw in a duet between Brittany and Mike, and thats just gravy (although the direction of that number was pretty awful).
Its rather strange that my 2 favorite episodes this season, this one and Duets, did not have any Sue in them. And I like Sue, but I do wonder what that says to me.