Is anyone else just a tad disappointed with the last episode?
It was brilliant on an emotional level. It made me want to scream and cry and yell right along with Keith and Veronica. I can't deny that, but as important as Aaron's case was, I would have been more satisfied if they gave us more clues to the bus crash mystery. I (and many other people) have had the Woody is a child molester theory ever since the touchy-feely Logan moment (not that you could blame him I mean have you seen Jason's arms??). I know that they had to have a whole lead in thing where they had to slowly discover that there was an e-mail, it was Peter's voice, the person with the video camera panned along the baseball photos, etc. etc. but if it was that obvious to the viewer than the wirters should have found a way to reveal it to us earlier. This only gave us another suspect and another possible red herring. I mean last 21st episode we got the discovery of the all knowing creepy cameras which no one could have predicted. I guess I was expected something like that. Am I being too picky?