I shouldn't read Lord of the Flies right before I get to bed. I don't need images of bleeding pigs and gutsy heads with flies all over them before I sleep. But honestly it's one of those stupid books that makes you think. I kind of hate that the teachers know that I am going to ponder about human nature after I read it. I'm so predictable.
Anywayz, so the basic premise of the book is that while on a deserted island these boys slowly turn into savages and discover that the beast they are fearing is not from an external source but from within themselves. The author obviously had a problem with the human race because he is all "We all have evil inside that makes us want to kill and hurt and control and have power and mostly kill."
So is he right? Is the need to murder and have violence in *all* of us even children? Is is something imbedded in our DNA? Is it something so primitive like human nature that we cannot deny it? If so then what exactly is stopping us from going out a murdering every person we see? Is a conscience and guilt also part of our systems? Or is it something we have learned from being on the earth not something we were born with? Did God just create us with these instincts just to watch us flail around and kill eachother?
Did cavemen feel bad about killing those wolly mammoths? Did they feel love just as much as hate? Did compassion exist back then or did it slowly develop? If there is something in us that is evil then could there very well be something good in us as well? Something that makes us love and care for one another. There are people that beat there children. And it's horrible and unjust and sick and just...evil. There is no denying that. But there is also the love between a parent and child that even goes against the instinct to protect yourself first. Some women would die for their children. There *is* good in us. The mood I was in in my last post felt so sweet and just pure happiness. Could evil not exist in moments of pure innocent joy?
Also, if it is part of human nature to be cruel and violent then what the hell does the word "humane" mean? Does the "Humane Society" kill animals like they did in the book? I don't think so. Humanity is always seen as a good thing. We people have it in our heads that we are good and so are out intentions, but did we ever think that maybe to be "human" isn't a compliment? Should they be the "Anti-Humane" society?
The real question is not "Is there evil in us?" or "Is there good?" but "Just how much of each and can they be controlled?"
Damned book with it's cryptic meanings and symbolism. Now I'm never going to get to bed. *shakes fist at air*
And like anyone is going to read all of this anyway...besides myself.