Fandom: Doctor Who / Stargate SG-1
Pairing: Rose Tyler/Daniel Jackson
Theme set: beta
Title: By Bitter Chance Divided
Rating: PG-13 or so
Warning[s]: Run on sentences obviously, some fluff, lots of angst
Notes: More from the life of Rose/Daniel, parallels SG-1 season 5&6, Doctor Who spoilers through Doomsday
Part 1 and
Part 2 include more info and the things that so far have happened here.
And as usual, thanks to
clockwork_sky for the once over.
#12 - Blessing
Technically the Torchwood team had been recalled to the London offices, but with General Hammond’s blessing Rose was allowed to continue at the SGC, she wasn’t able to go on missions but still worked along side them; she doubted she wanted to know what he’d gone through to get that much for her.
#09 - War
Neither the British or American governments could yet sell the people on a war that was sparked because of competing top secret projects, so they waited for the other shoe to drop, and Daniel knew the tension was still tearing Rose apart.
#27 - Jester
Rose kept laughing as Daniel told her about Marty’s TV show, the idea frustrated him personally, but if it entertained Rose to hear about it he was kind of grateful.
#21 - Quiet
The former Torchwood office was much quieter now that it was just Rose, and very few others ever stopped by so Rose and Daniel finally had a place to sneak off to if they wanted to be alone, until everyone figured out that if Daniel wasn’t in his own office that was where he’d be.
#20 - Bane
The renewed popularity of 3D movies actually limited their options for going to the movies, after all they could never know when someone would see Rose covered in Void-stuff and wonder what was going on.
#05 - Worry
“I don’t like this,” Rose admitted as she fussed with his outfit before he got underway; she must really be worried he knew, she almost never admitted her fears to him before he left.
#18 - Balloon
Daniel just could not get the water gun to fill up the balloon, but he was determined to win that stuffed whale for Rose; the game must be rigged since he shot things for a living so much of the time.
#04 - Wonder
Even having seen so many wonders of the galaxy, there was still a childish glow in Daniel as they watched the fireworks that made Rose’s heart skip a beat with love.
#28 - Jousting
They could pretend they had only been interrupted debating the meaning of some translation, but Rose’s disheveled hair and Daniel’s askew glasses gave them away.
#31 - Smirk
No one missed the smirk on Kinsey’s face when he looked at Rose, but she stared right back; it made Daniel want to cheer.
#26 - Jump
Rose jumped up and was halfway out the door before Sam finished her first sentence, “Rose…something’s happened.”
#45 - Natural
Her every instinct is to reach out and touch him, but she can’t, and he knows that’s eating her up inside as much as it is him.
#39 - Share
Oma couldn’t explain what it was that the Ancients distrusted about Rose, but she wasn’t cruel, so she pulled Rose into Daniel’s vision so they could say goodbye.
#48 - Virtuous
“It was the right thing to do,” she admitted through her tears, “you always did have to do the right thing.”
#50 - Defeat
She knew ascending was better than having him die, and she knew it would be a wonderful for him, but she still felt defeated knowing he wouldn’t really be her Daniel any more.
#38 - Sojourn
“You come back safe,” she told him, trying to sound strong by acting like this was just another trip to a far away world.
#14 - Burning
Seeing Rose for the first time with the eyes of an ascended being, he could see why they feared her, something inside her burned like a star, the energy a whole universe just beneath the surface with no way to know what would happen if it was released; but his worries for that day were different than the rest of the ancients, he worried less about the universe and more about her.
#29 - Jewel
Jack found Rose in the men’s locker room, Daniel’s wedding ring clenched tightly in her hand, there was nothing either of them could say so he just held her as her body shook with unshed tears.
#08 - Whiskey and rum
Jack lead people in a toast to Daniel, but even in the crowd of well wishers Rose felt completely alone.
#42 - Neutral
“Look, I’ve worked with both sides in this, I can be the neutral party in the negotiations,” she told them; and as true as it was she knew they all assumed she was just running away, and she wasn’t sure she wasn’t.
#44 - Near
“Jack I’m not even thirty and I’ve basically been widowed twice where nobody actually died,” she exploded, “but it’s sure close enough for me;” Jack was suitably reminded of how much she’d gone through in her still young life.
#06 - Whimsy
How could she possibly explain to her little brothers what had happened to Daniel when it barely made sense to an adult mind?
#32 - Sorrow
Rose may have everyone else convinced that she was handling what happened well, but Jackie could see the same grief in her daughter’s eyes that had been there so often when they first came to this world, only without the same insane hope she had had then.
#36 - Sordid
She could understand almost any language, but the language spoken by politicians was not one that came naturally; she could just imagine Daniel’s reaction to that - if he’d been there to see it.
#41 - Nowhere
Some nights she still found herself searching the sky for where Daniel might be, but he wasn’t anywhere to be seen, and he was nowhere she could follow.
#25 - Quitting
“You could stay on as mediator,” Pete reminded her, but he knew she was glad to give up that role; no matter how much she missed Daniel, giving up traveling the stars was not how she was going to grieve.
#10 - Weddings
It was her one year wedding anniversary when they returned to Colorado Springs, she let the cold mountain air welcome her back and tried to believe her husband was somewhere in the wind.
#13 - Bias
Jonas had been dealing with what he perceived as resentment from people at the SGC ever since Dr. Jackson’s death, but whatever he had seen in the eyes of others was nothing compared to facing Rose Tyler for the first time since that day.
#37 - Soliloquy
Rose cut Jonas off before he’d gotten very far into his speech, “I know it’s not your fault, and I don’t blame you, I just don’t know if I’m ready to deal with this yet, alright?”
#43 - Nuance
Ascended-being Daniel could use some fashion advice, even Jack could see that, but he also realized his friend was still in spirit wearing his wedding ring; if Jack even mentioned this mess to Tyler, he’d have to mention that detail.
#19 - Balcony
The night was cold as the wind whipped past her, then she felt something, someone, behind her and she turned to find her husband standing in the doorway.
#15 - Breathing
When she touches him she can tell he isn’t breathing and his heart isn’t beating, but she can feel the basic life energy that makes up his new form.
#22 - Quirks
He knew it was almost certainly because of the unique energy she carried inside her, but he couldn’t be completely certain it wasn’t his need for her touch that allowed it to happen; to the rest of the universe he was just consciousness and energy, but to her he would always be a man first.
#01 - Walking
She was lost in thought and her feet acted on habit, taking her to Daniel’s office instead of her own; the altered room snapped her out of her fog long enough to force her feet to keep walking away.
#40 - Solitary
At least he isn’t dead, she reminds herself every time he can’t stay and every day he’s not with her, no matter how alone she is at least Daniel is alive.
#03 - Wishes
There are places he wishes he could go that are beyond even the powers of an ascended being; time travel can’t be done to save so many that he’s lost, and he can’t cross universes and meet this Doctor that had meant so much to Rose.
#11 - Birthday
She hated making a big deal about her birthday, as it wasn’t anywhere near accurate anymore, but she liked celebrating Daniel’s, so she celebrated his life even though he was gone.
#24 - Quarrel
“Daniel, Jack is your best friend and you’re saying you can’t do anything to help us find him?” she threw up her hands in disgust knowing he would just tell her again that he couldn’t interfere.
#30 - Just
In the blink of an eye he was gone again and she wasn’t sure if she was angry about him disappearing or just sad that he was gone again.
#46 - Horizon
It’s easy for her to imagine the sorts of things he’s seeing, in ways no human could ever see, as he could chase the horizons of any world, and she wondered if he ever missed the human life they used to share.
#47 - Valiant
She honestly liked Jonas and she made a valiant effort not to put what happened to Daniel between them, but it never fully left them.
#16 - Breaking
The silence between them was tense, but she broke it eventually, “Daniel I love you and I will always love you, but this living on different planes of existence thing is breaking my heart, can’t you see that?”
#35 - Sarcasm
“Is there a reason you’re not talking to your wife about this?” Jack asked sarcastically; he assumed it was just because people might be less likely to believe her if she said she was seeing Daniel, until he saw the sad shake of his friend’s head and knew there were other things wrong besides Anubis attacking Abydos.
#17 - Belief
“I figured no one would believe me,” Rose explained when Jack asked why she’d never told him about seeing Daniel since he’d ascended; “they’d just say I was imagining it out of grief.”
#33 - Stupidity
Daniel had been smart before he became an ascended being, but Jack had to question to meaning of absolute knowledge if the man couldn’t even see how much the situation hurt his own wife.
#23 - Question
“Rose, come on, I need you on this,” he pleaded, wondering when things had gotten so bad that he actually had to ask.
#34 - Serenade
To fight Anubis was going to take Daniel’s ascended powers and Rose’s Bad Wolf essence; as together they brought that part of her out into the world, Rose could hear the music of the universe again, it wasn’t the same song she had once heard, but she did get to share it with another man she loved.
#02 - Waltz
Two beings, one of silver light and the other a golden glow, flew entwined with each other, for one moment dancing together to the song of all creation before they would face the galaxy’s greatest enemy.
#49 - Victory
It looked like they had won the fight but there was no word from Daniel or Rose so no one could be sure what had happened; everyone had to hope they had flown off to have whatever fun beings of pure energy had together.
#07 - Waste/Wasteland
On a desolate planet a man lay naked and alone in a an empty field, with no idea how he arrived there or even who he was, but his ears rang with screams and his hands could still feel hers slip from his grasp.