100 Reviews: 93

Jan 15, 2014 23:35

That’s more like it.

Babylon 5: 1x11: Survivors

This is a really good character piece for Garibaldi. And that’s basically what it is.

Hmm, when I started watching this episode I felt like I totally had the energy for another review but just as it was wrapping up my drive to write about it sapped away. Not because it wasn’t a good episode - although I think there are a limited number of things to say about it - just seem to have lost the drive to do much of a write-up.

I do kind of want to remark on how little good Michael’s flee from the law was. All it ended up doing was making him look more guilty and making him fall off the wagon. I understand the impulse for him to run, but it really didn’t do any good. Narratively it served a purpose to establish more about his relationships with Jeff, Londo, and to a lesser extent Susan; as well as give G’Kar a chance to act dubious; and of course just lots of stuff about Garibaldi as a character, but within the story it didn’t advance anything.

I can’t decide if that’s a good thing or a bad thing from a storytelling perspective. Since it’s Michael’s story we are never given any reason to start doubting if he actually did it and the stuff that makes him look more guilty never really comes around to bite him in the ass. But it’s also a level of realism that without resources he can get very little done and the point of the story was largely to bring him low enough that he’d lapse back into the bottle even if he crawled back out at the end of the episode.

Also, I’m not sure I’ve ever given much thought to it before, but Earthforce 1 is a really oddly designed ship. I think I get how it works, but it’s pretty different from most of the other Earth (rotational gravity) ship designs we see.

Another also, I want to know what the Centauri who got off the tube at the Cobra Bay terminal in the beginning of the episode was up to. That seems like it would be a secure area where there wouldn’t be much for a random civilian to do there. Maybe he just wanted to follow the cynicism twins to hear more of them snarking.

Addendum, that’s probably why Susan and Michael would never have worked as a pairing (although some people do and I’m not against it exactly), they’re just too cynical and they feed off each other to be even more so.

Ultimately I still don’t have that much to say, it’s a good solid episode focused on a character I enjoy making for an episode I enjoy. And that’s a just fine thing for it to be.

Next time:
I do kind of feel back that I’m only doing B5 reviews for this last portion of the project, but I doubt that’s going to make me change it up.

Still, here’s the suggestion box

100 reviews, babylon 5

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