So here’s my brain
(Eight months ago)
Cruising right along on AoS post-s4 AU, sure the plots is moving really slowly, but there was a lot of stuff that needed to be done at the start of the story because it’s not like the characters wouldn’t talk about what was going on.
(Seven months ago)
Hmm, I seem to have hit a wall on this fic, l guess I’ll take a breather.
(Six months ago)
Rereads what I wrote of that fic, and I hate it, the writing is crap and if I feel like it’s stuck in the mud plot wise, I should probably scrap it and start again.
(Five months ago)
Hmm, I seem to be just generally writer’s blocked, maybe I’ll come back to this later.
(Four months ago)
Well, I guess s6 is about to start, I’ll just plan come back to this idea after it’s done...unless s6 gives me a lot of ideas. S6 is going to give me lots of ideas isn’t it?
(Three months ago)
Lots of resurrected Coulson ideas.
(Two months ago)
Oh I’m definitely going to need to write some thoughts on resurrected Coulson...wait, Sarge don’t...AAAHHHHHH.
(One months ago)
Well, we tried to write some post s6 fic, but I’m not sold on how I think all this is going to go down, and the pieces I kind of want to do don’t really go together. Why don’t we think of another idea? What about that big post-s4 idea you had; you could rewatch s4, you like s4 a lot after all and it would probably get those plot bunnies hopping.
Or, you know, what if I wanted to write a long term AU that starts around IM2? Why don’t we try that.
So I’ve written about 60k words, but I don’t think most of it work, what if I restart this story from like chapter two? We can salvage that for 1/20th or so. AAAAAHHHHHHH.