Apologies for my absence over the past month or so, although my dissappearance seems to have gone almost completely unnoticed, heh.
Work has been pretty nightmarishly disasterous over the past month, and especially so over the past couple of weeks. I wont go into the details, but it's all had me pretty despondant about pretty much everything and I've not had much energy in the evenings to do much else other than veg out and despair/panic about the next day.
On top of that, we heard at the weekend that my Grandad (who is in a nursing home) has taken a turn for the worse and the nurse thinks that he's pretty much given up now. So the next few days/weeks will be tense I guess....
Honestly this weekend I'd quite like to catch up on some sleep and try to relax a bit, however I'll by traipsing up to London instead. At least I have a nice hotel room to sleep in overnight...
Special thanks and squishes to
krazykipper for checking up on me, it came just at the perfect time, and I really appreciate it :)