So, the jackpot's up to $540 million as of earlier this afternoon, and will quite probably go even higher by tomorrow's drawing.
My question is this: What would you do if you won that jackpot?
Personally, I can think of a few things I'd like to do.
1. Buy a new car.
2. Move somewhere other than where I live now (I haven't really decided where, just somewhere where my sinuses don't go crazy every spring and fall).
3. Go to all those places in Europe that I've always wanted to see and also to the places where my relatives were from. And maybe on a round-the-world cruise as well...
4. Hire a professional genealogist to work on all those pesky lines of my family tree that I've never had the time, money and/or patience to work on before (because they're in some out of the way place or language that I can't read and isn't available for translation).
5. Take a trip to the ISS (or if that's not possible, then at least a trip on one of the private space planes that are supposed to be going up soon, if it's the latter, then I'd take some of my friends along that I'd know would appreciate the trip as well).
6. I'd probably give an amount to each of my aunts & uncles (or to their kids, if their parents are both deceased) for them to decide how to split up among their kids and descendants.
7. I'd also give my parents a share as well as my brother (though it would go to his wife, just because I don't want my brother's ex-wife to make any claims on the money, which she'd do in a heartbeat if I did it otherwise). And a small trust fund for each of my three nieces (which they could withdrawal money from once they turned 30 years old -- I know my two oldest nieces too well to give it to them any earlier than that, and besides, they both need to learn to make it on their own first.)