Well, next week ought to be interesting. I work today and tomorrow, have the holiday off, and then I'm the opener for the next two days, thanks to my boss taking July 4-6 off.
Which means I'm going to be there when we get at least one of our deliveries in on Tuesday with only one other person in the store. It's been so long since I've been there when we've gotten this particular delivery, I don't even remember if we're supposed to pay them on delivery or if the payment goes through a different way for this particular vendor. Guess I better find out today when I see my boss, so I at least know what to expect...
I'm also not too thrilled with the new way we clock in & out of work. We have to do it on the registers. Which is fine for the people who aren't managers, since none of them actually approach 40 hours in a week, but both Kendra and I are usually in the 38 to 39 hour range, and the only one who can check how many hours we have so far in a week is our boss. So I won't have any idea how close to OT I am next week, for example, because I don't have a time card in front of me with the hours/minutes I've worked so far that week. So it's entirely possible that I could end up in OT because there's no way for me to see how many hours I've got (and the hours on the schedule are actually based on us leaving at 9 pm, it doesn't include being stuck after the store closes until the tills are counted and everything's locked up, etc., so it's actually about 20 minutes longer on the days where I have to close, depending on who is with me). I can't always clock out for my lunch break, either--Tuesday and Wednesday next week, for example, there will be two of us at the store, and I can't expect the other guy to do all the work for me while I'm eating (and of course, that person can't do any of the manager stuff either). It's also going to be a pain whenever we hire new people, because there's no way for them to clock in and out now until they get a card and are in the system on the computer...