Ah, the plot bunny has finally bitten, and I have gladly accepted it.
Title: Understanding
Fandom: Robin Hood
Author: jedimastercait
Characters/Pairings: Much, Robin/Allan friendship, implied Will/Allan, Robin/Marian, and Will/Djaq
Disclaimer: I am not a member of the BBC corporation, and therefore, do not own these characters.
Rating: T
Spoilers: 2x12 and 2x13
Summary: Allan has difficulty dealing with Will and Djaq's relationship, but perhaps Robin understands.
Author's Note: Inspired by Allan's actions (or rather, lack of) during the S2 finale.
It surrounded them like a thick, heavy, invisible fog that seeped among them like fallout. It crushed them with its impenetrable tension, making them squirm in discomfort as their curious eyes traveled back and forth between two men:
One, Allan-a-Dale. Tall, dark, handsome. Scoundrel. Traitor. Newly redeemed. Sitting there brooding, refusing to look at -
Two, Will Scarlett. Young, handsome, with traces of innocence. Carpenter. Loyal to a fault. Staring at the wooden planks while Djaq sat beside him quietly.
They had been at the intense Battle of the Wills ever since they had boarded the ship to the Holy Land, when Allan had realized that something had changed between Will and Djaq. Upon this revelation, the con artist and compulsive liar had stalked away to the dark corner of the ship's belly, purposefully bumping Will as he did. Will, in turn, had dragged Djaq to the other side of the ship, keeping the shadowy visage of Allan as far away as possible.
And there they had stayed.
"Time to eat," Much announced with a slight question in his voice as his eyes darted nervously between the two.
Robin carefully regarded the two men, trying to determine who would break first. It was Djaq who eventually broke the silent war, rising to her feet and pulling Will with her.
"We must eat if we wish to have strength when we arrive in Acre."
"I'm not hungry," Will muttered, his eyes flickering to Allan and then to the floor boards.
"Nonsense," Djaq replied. "You have not eaten all day. And I, for one, cannot deny my stomach any longer." She flashed Robin a hopeful smile. "Sit, eat."
Will finally acquiesced, and the rest of the gang let out a collective sigh of relief. Much began happily passing out the meal and called out, "Come join us, Allan."
"Not hungry, thanks" was the only reply.
Refusing the food for a moment (to Much's disappointment), Robin walked over to Allan's hiding spot and crouched down beside him.
"Come eat," he said quietly.
"No thanks."
"Djaq's right, we need to eat," he tried again. Allan sneered at her name. "Look, I know what's happened between you and Will, and I'm sorry, Allan. But you're a member of this group again, and if you're weak, we're all weak. We won't possibly be able to protect the King."
"What do you know about it," Allan snapped, his usually piercing blue eyes a raging hurricane of anger.
Robin sighed. "I know what it's like to lose the one you love to another. To watch as she stands by his side, rather than yours."
"I didn't love him," Allan lied. Robin raised an eyebrow. "I didn't, all right? It was just..." His eyes traveled to the happy couple. "...Nothing. Besides, what happened with you and Marian was completely different. She still loves you, Robin. Even when she almost married Guy, she was still in love with you."
His eyes were still on Will. "It's different," he repeated with a sigh.
Robin shrugged. "What if it's not?"
"What?" He turned to him, surprised. "You mean like he still loves me?" At Robin's nod, he snorted. "Fat chance of that, mate."
"And why's that?"
"Because he doesn't love me, and I don't love him. I'm not being funny, Robin, but maybe you'd better get your ears cleaned."
"Robin," Much suddenly interrupted, "are you eating?"
The Earl of Huntingdon sighed. "Coming. This isn't over," he threatened softly as he stood and joined the rest of the gang.
But as it turned out, it was. Their adventures in the Holy Land left little time for a heart-to-heart discussion. And it was only after Marian's death, when it was Allan who came to quiet Robin's tears with a gentle hand on his shoulder, that Robin knew he understood.
Together, they mourned the loss of their lovers.